
ST EXT-R Sesame2ImplExtension : st-sesame2-ontmanager

The OSGi bundle for Sesame2 implementation of Semantic Turkey Ontology Manager

Last Version: 0.12

Release Date:

st-sftp-deployer : st-sftp-deployer

Semantic Turkey parent project. It contains the three modules about: core business logic, core services and firefox extension (ui and client in general) of the system. Three additional modules provide an implementation for the ontology manager to be bundled with the tool, an applet for graph visualization of ontologies and concept schemes and a test suite to run tests on a java client framework. An ANT build file allows to package the xpi for Firefox installation (read README2BUILD.TXT file for info)

Last Version: 11.1

Release Date:

st-sftp-loader : st-sftp-loader

Semantic Turkey parent project. It contains the three modules about: core business logic, core services and firefox extension (ui and client in general) of the system. Three additional modules provide an implementation for the ontology manager to be bundled with the tool, an applet for graph visualization of ontologies and concept schemes and a test suite to run tests on a java client framework. An ANT build file allows to package the xpi for Firefox installation (read README2BUILD.TXT file for info)

Last Version: 11.1

Release Date:

st-skos-rendering-engine : st-skos-rendering-engine

Semantic Turkey parent project. It contains the three modules about: core business logic, core services and firefox extension (ui and client in general) of the system. Three additional modules provide an implementation for the ontology manager to be bundled with the tool, an applet for graph visualization of ontologies and concept schemes and a test suite to run tests on a java client framework. An ANT build file allows to package the xpi for Firefox installation (read README2BUILD.TXT file for info)

Last Version: 11.1

Release Date:

st-skosxl-rendering-engine : st-skosxl-rendering-engine

Semantic Turkey parent project. It contains the three modules about: core business logic, core services and firefox extension (ui and client in general) of the system. Three additional modules provide an implementation for the ontology manager to be bundled with the tool, an applet for graph visualization of ontologies and concept schemes and a test suite to run tests on a java client framework. An ANT build file allows to package the xpi for Firefox installation (read README2BUILD.TXT file for info)

Last Version: 11.1

Release Date:

st-sparql-custom-service-backend : st-sparql-custom-service-backend

Semantic Turkey parent project. It contains the three modules about: core business logic, core services and firefox extension (ui and client in general) of the system. Three additional modules provide an implementation for the ontology manager to be bundled with the tool, an applet for graph visualization of ontologies and concept schemes and a test suite to run tests on a java client framework. An ANT build file allows to package the xpi for Firefox installation (read README2BUILD.TXT file for info)

Last Version: 11.1

Release Date:

st-spreadsheet-serializing-exporter : st-spreadsheet-serializing-exporter

Semantic Turkey parent project. It contains the three modules about: core business logic, core services and firefox extension (ui and client in general) of the system. Three additional modules provide an implementation for the ontology manager to be bundled with the tool, an applet for graph visualization of ontologies and concept schemes and a test suite to run tests on a java client framework. An ANT build file allows to package the xpi for Firefox installation (read README2BUILD.TXT file for info)

Last Version: 11.1

Release Date:

st-update-property-value-rdf-tranformer : st-update-property-value-rdf-tranformer

Semantic Turkey parent project. It contains the three modules about: core business logic, core services and firefox extension (ui and client in general) of the system. Three additional modules provide an implementation for the ontology manager to be bundled with the tool, an applet for graph visualization of ontologies and concept schemes and a test suite to run tests on a java client framework. An ANT build file allows to package the xpi for Firefox installation (read README2BUILD.TXT file for info)

Last Version: 11.1

Release Date:

st-uri-generators : st-uri-generators

Semantic Turkey parent project. It contains the three modules about: core business logic, core services and firefox extension (ui and client in general) of the system. Three additional modules provide an implementation for the ontology manager to be bundled with the tool, an applet for graph visualization of ontologies and concept schemes and a test suite to run tests on a java client framework. An ANT build file allows to package the xpi for Firefox installation (read README2BUILD.TXT file for info)

Last Version: 11.1

Release Date:

st-voidlime-dataset-metadata-exporter : st-voidlime-dataset-metadata-exporter

Semantic Turkey parent project. It contains the three modules about: core business logic, core services and firefox extension (ui and client in general) of the system. Three additional modules provide an implementation for the ontology manager to be bundled with the tool, an applet for graph visualization of ontologies and concept schemes and a test suite to run tests on a java client framework. An ANT build file allows to package the xpi for Firefox installation (read README2BUILD.TXT file for info)

Last Version: 11.1

Release Date:

st-xlabel-dereification-rdf-transformer : st-xlabel-dereification-rdf-transformer

Semantic Turkey parent project. It contains the three modules about: core business logic, core services and firefox extension (ui and client in general) of the system. Three additional modules provide an implementation for the ontology manager to be bundled with the tool, an applet for graph visualization of ontologies and concept schemes and a test suite to run tests on a java client framework. An ANT build file allows to package the xpi for Firefox installation (read README2BUILD.TXT file for info)

Last Version: 11.1

Release Date:

st-xnote-dereification-rdf-transformer : st-xnote-dereification-rdf-transformer

Semantic Turkey parent project. It contains the three modules about: core business logic, core services and firefox extension (ui and client in general) of the system. Three additional modules provide an implementation for the ontology manager to be bundled with the tool, an applet for graph visualization of ontologies and concept schemes and a test suite to run tests on a java client framework. An ANT build file allows to package the xpi for Firefox installation (read README2BUILD.TXT file for info)

Last Version: 11.1

Release Date:

st-zthes-deserializing-lifter : st-zthes-deserializing-lifter

Semantic Turkey parent project. It contains the three modules about: core business logic, core services and firefox extension (ui and client in general) of the system. Three additional modules provide an implementation for the ontology manager to be bundled with the tool, an applet for graph visualization of ontologies and concept schemes and a test suite to run tests on a java client framework. An ANT build file allows to package the xpi for Firefox installation (read README2BUILD.TXT file for info)

Last Version: 11.1

Release Date:

st-zthes-serializing-exporter : st-zthes-serializing-exporter

Semantic Turkey parent project. It contains the three modules about: core business logic, core services and firefox extension (ui and client in general) of the system. Three additional modules provide an implementation for the ontology manager to be bundled with the tool, an applet for graph visualization of ontologies and concept schemes and a test suite to run tests on a java client framework. An ANT build file allows to package the xpi for Firefox installation (read README2BUILD.TXT file for info)

Last Version: 11.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.5.7.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.6.2

Release Date:

Ant Chain API SDK : antcloud-api-abcdjb

Ant Chain API SDK For Java Copyright (c) 2020-present,

Last Version: 1.0.11

Release Date:

Ant Chain API SDK : antcloud-api-commercialexternal

Ant Chain API SDK For Java Copyright (c) 2020-present,

Last Version: 1.0.7

Release Date:

Ant Chain API SDK : antcloud-api-provider-abcdjb

Ant Chain API SDK For Java Copyright (c) 2020-present,

Last Version: 1.0.11

Release Date:

Ant Chain API SDK : antcloud-api-provider-commercialexternal

Ant Chain API SDK For Java Copyright (c) 2020-present,

Last Version: 1.0.7

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.11

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.7

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.2.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:


com.github.gianttreelp.proguardservicesmapper : proguard-services-mapper-cli

A utility to map Java services to their obfuscated counterparts.

Last Version: 1.1

Release Date:


com.github.gianttreelp.proguardservicesmapper : proguard-services-mapper-maven

A Maven plugin that fixes obfuscated Java services given a ProGuard mapping file and the obfuscated jar file.

Last Version: 1.1

Release Date:

TreeConstants Annotation Processor

com.github.cilki : tree-constants

An annotation processor that builds constant trees

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:

TreeConstants Common

com.github.cilki : tree-constants-common

Common constant trees in the standard library

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:


com.github.claymantwinkle : recyclerviewassist

A library that can help to use RecyclerView

Last Version: 0.0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.3

Release Date:


net.ifok.image : pngquant-png

From ,implement pngquant,png compress.

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Swagger Ant Task

com.github.cstroe : swagger-ant-task

An ant task that will generate Swagger JSON files and a single-html documentation file from a Java project containing Swagger annotatted files.

Last Version: 0.0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.2.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.4.0

Release Date:


com.github.dantebarba : queryfork

QueryFork: A simple query builder for HQL

Last Version: 1.0.3

Release Date:

whitespace-maven-plugin Maven Mojo

com.github.dantwining.whitespace-maven-plugin : whitespace-maven-plugin

Maven plugin for stripping trailing whitespace errors from java source code

Last Version: 1.0.4

Release Date:


me.antinux : datastructure

common and basic and advanced datastructure in java, some implemented collection interface, others is ued in algorithm

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

Kotlin Cursor Compiler

com.github.danysantiago : kotlincursor-compiler

Kotlin Cursor & ContentValues boilerplate annotation processor.

Last Version: 0.1.1

Release Date:


com.github.danysantiago : sendgrid-android

This Android library allows you to quickly and easily send emails through SendGrid.

Last Version: 1

Release Date:


me.dlkanth : drop-code

A Gradle plugin that pushes Gradle project's source to dropbox

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:


me.dlkanth : leadtodo

A Gradle Plugin to manage your code Todo comments using Asana Integeration.

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:


me.dlkanth : stetho-volley

Stetho Network Inspector library for volley

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.4.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.3.0

Release Date:


com.github.davidmoten : openapi-to-plantuml

Generates PlantUML file from an OpenAPI 3.0 Definition

Last Version: 0.1.11

Release Date:


me.hao0 : antares

Parent pom providing dependency and plugin management for applications built with Maven

Last Version: 1.4.0

Release Date:


me.hao0 : antares-client-spring

Parent pom providing dependency and plugin management for applications built with Maven

Last Version: 1.4.0

Release Date: