Application Layer Libs

Apache Karaf :: JAAS :: Blueprint :: Config

org.apache.karaf.jaas.blueprint : org.apache.karaf.jaas.blueprint.config

This bundle provides a blueprint namespace handler for configuring JAAS

Last Version: 4.4.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.15.0

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Last Version: 3.0.0-M2

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Last Version: 1.10.4

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Jersey 2.0 w/ Guice

com.squarespace.jersey2-guice : jersey2-guice

This library adds support for Jersey 2.0 w/ Guice

Last Version: 0.10

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Atomix Protocols :: Raft

io.atomix : atomix-raft

Distributed systems framework.

Last Version: 3.1.12

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Last Version: 2.0.0-M2

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Last Version: 2.1.3

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org.jboss.errai.reflections : reflections

Reflections - a Java runtime metadata analysis

Last Version: 4.15.0.Final

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Last Version: 7.0.2

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de.wayofquality.blended : blended.util.logging_2.13

Logging utility classes to use in other bundles

Last Version: 3.5.2

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Last Version: 4.3.2

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SLF4J Test : slf4j-test

An in-memory SLF4J implementation focused on aiding unit testing.

Last Version: 1.2.0

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Last Version: 3.3.19

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Last Version: 2.0.0-M2

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Last Version: 1.7.7

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Micro Focus ACI API NG

com.hp.autonomy.aci.client : aci-api

Java client for communicating with IDOL ACI servers.

Last Version: 12.10.0

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JavaPoet : javapoet

Use beautiful Java code to generate beautiful Java code.

Last Version: 1.1.0

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Last Version: 1.3.7

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Last Version: 0.137-t

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Continuum Configuration

org.apache.maven.continuum : continuum-configuration

Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.

Last Version: 1.1

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org.aksw.commons : aksw-commons-resources-test-config

A library of commonly used classes in AKSW applications.

Last Version: 0.9.4

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net.consensys.quorum.tessera : config

Tessera is a stateless Java system that is used to enable the encryption, decryption, and distribution of private transactions for Quorum.

Last Version: 22.1.3

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Camel :: Example :: Spring :: JavaConfig

org.apache.camel : camel-example-spring-javaconfig

An example showing how to work with Camel and Spring Java Config

Last Version: 2.19.5

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ServiceKeeper :: ConfigSource :: Common

io.esastack : servicekeeper-configsource-common

ServiceKeeper is a lightweight service governance framework.

Last Version: 0.1.1-BETA

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Last Version: 0.15.0

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Camel :: Example :: Guice :: JMS (deprecated)

org.apache.camel : camel-example-guice-jms

An example showing how to work with Camel, Guice and JMS

Last Version: 2.19.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.4.0-beta-5

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org.wso2.carbon.auth :

WSO2 is an open source application development software company focused on providing service-oriented architecture solutions for professional developers.

Last Version: 1.0.59

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org.webjars.npm : codemirror

WebJar for codemirror

Last Version: 5.65.3

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OPS4J Pax Logging - Logback implementation

org.ops4j.pax.logging : pax-logging-logback

Pax Logging backend implementation based on Logback. It provides Logback specific implementation of PaxLoggingService interface and Logback specific configuration methods.

Last Version: 2.1.2

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de.huxhorn.lilith :

This file is part of Lilith. It contains the LoggingEvent datatype and related classes.

Last Version: 8.3.0

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com.github.tony19 : logback-android-core

Advanced logging for Android apps

Last Version: 1.1.1-6

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com.vlkan.log4j2 : log4j2-logstash-layout

A Log4j 2 plugin providing Logstash-friendly JSON layout.

Last Version: 1.0.5

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Camel :: Example :: POJO Messaging

org.apache.camel : camel-example-pojo-messaging

An example showing how to produce and consume messages from Camel endpoints using annotated POJOs

Last Version: 2.19.5

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Brave Instrumentation: Messaging Adapters

io.zipkin.brave : brave-instrumentation-messaging

Java distributed tracing implementation compatible with Zipkin backend services.

Last Version: 5.13.9

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Last Version: 2.0.0-M2

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Last Version: 2.0.3

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Last Version: 7.71.0.Final

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Last Version: 1.3.7

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Last Version: 1.3

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Last Version: 3.0.1

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Bootique Configuration Printer

org.arakhne.afc.bootique : bootique-printconfig

Math, geometric, physic tools and other Java utilities.

Last Version: 17.0

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