Application Layer Libs


com.github.robert2411.platform.logging : executiontime-api

Basic libs that can easely be reused in other projects

Last Version: 1.0.4

Release Date:


io.openmessaging : registry-server

OpenSchema Reference Implementation with Spring Boot

Last Version: 0.0.1

Release Date:

Apache XBean :: ASM Util

org.apache.xbean : xbean-asm-util

XBean is a plugin based server architecture.

Last Version: 4.21

Release Date:

Last Version: 4.0-beta-1

Release Date:

Incode Platform Maven Mixin for isis:validate

org.incode.mavenmixin : incode-mavenmixin-validate

Maven mixin providing the ability to run isis:validate goal over Apache Isis domain objects.

Last Version: 1.16.2

Release Date:

Incode Platform Maven Mixin for isis:swagger

org.incode.mavenmixin : incode-mavenmixin-swagger

Maven mixin providing the ability to run isis:swagger goal for an Apache Isis domain application.

Last Version: 1.16.2

Release Date:

AutomataLib :: Build Tools

net.automatalib : automata-build-tools

Tools and resources required for building AutomataLib

Last Version: 0.10.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.10.0

Release Date:

AutomataLib :: Archetypes :: Basic

net.automatalib.archetypes : basic

The basic archetype, which provides preconfigured dependencies for the basic usage of AutomataLib.

Last Version: 0.10.0

Release Date:

AutomataLib :: Commons

net.automatalib : automata-commons-parent

Common parent metaproject for various small Java libraries which are required by AutomataLib, but are not specific to AutomataLib itself (i.e., are not or only indirectly related to modeling automata and graphs).

Last Version: 0.10.0

Release Date:

AutomataLib :: Archetypes

net.automatalib.archetypes : automata-archetypes-parent

Parent metaproject for archetypes that facilitate getting started with AutomataLib.

Last Version: 0.10.0

Release Date:

AutomataLib :: Archetypes :: Complete

net.automatalib.archetypes : complete

The complete archetype, which provides preconfigured dependencies on all artifacts of AutomataLib.

Last Version: 0.10.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.10.0

Release Date:

AutomataLib :: Serialization

net.automatalib : automata-serialization-parent

Serialization parent metaproject for various (de-)serialization methods.

Last Version: 0.10.0

Release Date:

AutomataLib :: Build Parent

net.automatalib : automata-build-parent

A utility artifact, that defines certain plugin executions for the build process. May be used to define dependencies on the "build-tools" artifact without introducing cyclic dependencies with the general parent.

Last Version: 0.10.0

Release Date:

AutomataLib :: Adapters

net.automatalib : automata-adapters-parent

Common parent metaproject for various adapters, i.e., wrapper class that allow to treat automaton or graph models from other software libraries as AutomataLib automata or graphs.

Last Version: 0.10.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.9.8

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.5.0-M10

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.15.0

Release Date:


fr.natsystem.natjet : natsys-config

Parent project for the natjet tool

Last Version: 7.0.19

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.0.15

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.1.12

Release Date:

Kite Morphlines Saxon

org.kitesdk : kite-morphlines-saxon

Kite SDK is a set of libraries, tools, and docs to simplify the development of data-related systems.

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Riptide: Failsafe

org.zalando : riptide-failsafe

Client side response routing

Last Version: 3.2.2

Release Date:


io.scalecube : scalecube-services-transport-rsocket

ScaleCube is a lightweight decentralized cluster membership, failure detection, messaging and gossip protocol library for the Java VM.

Last Version: 2.10.23

Release Date:


com.squareup.misk : wisp-logging

a module containing logging helpers

Last Version: 0.25.0-20220606.1435-15bc758

Release Date:


com.github.robert2411.platform.logging : executiontime-starter

Basic libs that can easely be reused in other projects

Last Version: 1.0.4

Release Date:

NPanday :: .NET Logging

org.apache.npanday : NPanday.Logging

NPanday provides Maven plugins to support building of .NET applications

Last Version: 1.4.0-incubating

Release Date:


com.github.robert2411.platform.logging : logging

Basic libs that can easely be reused in other projects

Last Version: 1.0.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.3.0-M6

Release Date:

AWS Lambda Powertools for Java library Logging : powertools-logging

A suite of utilities for AWS Lambda Functions that makes tracing with AWS X-Ray, structured logging and creating custom metrics asynchronously easier.

Last Version: 1.12.2

Release Date:


io.appulse : logging-java

Logging dependency for Appulse Java projects

Last Version: 1.1.3

Release Date:


com.github.robert2411.platform.logging : executiontime

Basic libs that can easely be reused in other projects

Last Version: 1.0.4

Release Date:

Logbook: API

org.zalando : logbook-api

HTTP request and response logging

Last Version: 2.14.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.3.4-spark

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.3.19

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.3.19

Release Date:

WSO2 Carbon - Component - MB Cluster Management - BE

org.wso2.carbon.messaging : org.wso2.carbon.andes.cluster.mgt

org.wso2.carbon.andes.cluster.mgt provides the back-end functionalities for cluster management of MB

Last Version: 3.3.19

Release Date: