Application Layer Libs


uk.theretiredprogrammer.nbpcglibrary : api

APIs for the modules generated using the NetBeans Platform Code Generator(NBPCG)

Last Version: 4.0.0

Release Date:

Decima Framework Command Line API

gov.nist.secauto.decima : decima-module

Command line interface (CLI) functionality for the Decima Framework that provides reusable CLI functions for XML content validation tools.

Last Version: 0.7.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1.3

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Last Version: 1.2.9

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Last Version: 3.0.5

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Last Version: 1.4.3

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Last Version: 0.25.1

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Last Version: 2.5.2.RELEASE

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AutoValue: Gson Extension : auto-value-gson-extension

AutoValue extension that creates a Gson TypeAdapter for JSON serialization of AutoValue classes.

Last Version: 1.3.1

Release Date:


io.opentracing.contrib : opentracing-spring-web-autoconfigure

Support for integrating OpenTracing in Spring Web applications

Last Version: 0.3.2

Release Date:


com.github.paulcwarren : spring-content-autoconfigure

Cloud-Native Headless Content Management Services (CMS) for Spring. Integrates with Spring Data, Spring Data REST and Apache Solr

Last Version: 2.3.0

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Last Version: 0.7.0

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org.immutables : mirror

Annotation mirror generator

Last Version: 2.9.0

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org.refcodes : refcodes-configuration-ext

Artifact for providing extended functionality for the refcodes-configuration artifact.

Last Version: 2.0.5

Release Date:

Apache Sling Installer Configuration Factory :

Provides support for configurations to the Apache Sling OSGi installer

Last Version: 1.4.2

Release Date:


org.refcodes : refcodes-configuration-ext-runtime

Artefact for providing predefined configuration compositions common for everyday application setups.

Last Version: 2.0.5

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org.refcodes : refcodes-configuration-ext-observer

Artifact for providing event based extended functionality for the refcodes-configuration artifact.

Last Version: 2.0.5

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org.webjars.npm : cosmiconfig

WebJar for cosmiconfig

Last Version: 7.0.1

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net.stickycode.configured : sticky-configured

Taking the configuration out of applications, using the same principles that underly dependency injection

Last Version: 6.8

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK :: Services :: AppConfig : appconfig

The AWS Java SDK for AppConfig module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AppConfig.

Last Version: 2.17.219

Release Date:


org.testingisdocumenting.webtau : webtau-config

WebTau - web test automation. REST/GraphQL/DB/CLI/UI testing framework.

Last Version: 1.48

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Last Version: 0.5.0

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Fili: system configuration library : fili-system-config

Fili system config implements the core system configuration classes used for logging, dependency management, and configuration

Last Version: 1.0.48

Release Date:


org.opendaylight.openflowplugin : openflowplugin-controller-config

Controller Configuration files for openflowplugin + openflowjava couple

Last Version: 0.4.4-Carbon

Release Date:

Euler - Config

com.github.euler-io : euler-config

Euler - File Processing API - Config module.

Last Version: 0.10.0

Release Date:


com.sudoplatform : sudoconfigmanager

An android library used by SudoPlatform SDKs that makes managing AWS configurations easier

Last Version: 2.0.0

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io.ebean.test : ebean-test-config

For open source java artifacts.

Last Version: 11.41.2

Release Date:


com.geirsson : metaconfig-typesafe-config_2.13

Integration for HOCON using typesafehub/config.

Last Version: 0.10.0

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Last Version: 5.3.0

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Eclipse Ditto :: Internal :: Utils :: Config

org.eclipse.ditto : ditto-internal-utils-config

Eclipse Ditto is a framework for creating and managing digital twins in the IoT.

Last Version: 2.4.0

Release Date:

config-model-api : config-model-api

Parent artifact for all Vespa maven projects.

Last Version: 8.7.17

Release Date:

Avito Android Infrastructure : statsd-config

Collection of infrastructure libraries and gradle plugins of Avito Android project

Last Version: 2022.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.6.0.v20110523

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Last Version: 3.0.1

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com.rickbusarow.modulecheck : modulecheck-config-api

Fast dependency graph linting for Gradle projects

Last Version: 0.12.3

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK :: Services :: AWS Config : config

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Config module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Config Service

Last Version: 2.17.219

Release Date: