Application Layer Libs

URF Configuration

io.urf : config-urf

Confound configuration implementation backed by an URF object graph.

Last Version: 0.4.1

Release Date:

Geronimo Plugins, Hot Deploy :: Deployer

org.apache.geronimo.configs : hot-deployer

The hot deployer is a bad substitute for using explicit deploy commands from maven, the command line, or the console.

Last Version: 3.0.1

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org.apache.dubbo : dubbo-config-api

The config api module of dubbo project

Last Version: 3.0.9

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AWS Java SDK :: Services :: MigrationHub Config : migrationhubconfig

The AWS Java SDK for MigrationHub Config module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with MigrationHub Config.

Last Version: 2.17.219

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Flume NG Config Filters API

org.apache.flume.flume-ng-configfilters : flume-ng-config-filter-api

The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The Apache projects are characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users.

Last Version: 1.9.0

Release Date:


io.vertx : vertx-config-hocon

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 4.3.1

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Spring Cloud Kubernetes :: Config : spring-cloud-kubernetes-config

Spring Cloud parent pom, managing plugins and dependencies for Spring Cloud projects

Last Version: 1.1.10.RELEASE

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Ollie :: Core

com.walmartlabs.ollie : ollie-config

Takari: The future of software delivery.

Last Version: 0.0.37

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Last Version: 3.0.1

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com.ubirch.util : config_2.11

common config related code

Last Version: 0.2.3

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io.github.cdimascio : dotenv-java

Environment based config for the JVM

Last Version: 2.2.4

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Last Version: 1.2.0

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Dagger Remapper

com.likethesalad.dagger : tools

This plugin helps remapping Dagger-generated symbols that cause conflicts with other dependencies that use Dagger

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:

jakarta.activation : jakarta.activation

The Parent Holder for the Guiced EE JMPS System

Last Version: 62

Release Date:


nl.vpro.shared : vpro-shared-guice

Description These are various shared utility modules which are used on several places in VPRO artifacts.

Last Version: 2.31.0

Release Date:


de.devsurf.injection.guice : de.devsurf.injection.guice.core

Goolge Guice-Extension which add the support for Classpath Scanner and auto registration for Guice-Modules and Beans. ASM, Reflections/Javassit or a Sonatype-Guice-Extension can be used as Classpath Scanner.

Last Version: 0.8.7

Release Date:


io.soabase : soabase-guice

A suite of Dropwizard bundles and utilities that aid in building Service Oriented Applications.

Last Version: 0.11.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.0

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Google Guice - Extensions - Servlet

com.jwebmp.inject.extensions : guice-servlet

Guice is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 6 and above

Last Version:

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Atomix Primitive API

io.zeebe : atomix-primitive

Distributed systems framework.

Last Version: 3.2.0-alpha12

Release Date:


com.taxonic.carml : carml-logical-source-resolver-csv

An engine to transform structured sources into RDF based on RML mappings.

Last Version: 0.4.0

Release Date:


com.taxonic.carml : carml-logical-source-resolver-xpath

An engine to transform structured sources into RDF based on RML mappings.

Last Version: 0.4.0

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Last Version: 1.2.0

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Last Version: 1.0

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com.bagridb : bagri-client-hazelcast

Bagri Client: Hazelcast Implementation

Last Version: 1.2.0

Release Date:

Transactions JMS Deprecated

com.atomikos : transactions-jms-deprecated

Reliability through Atomicity: manage your distributed transactions and protect your mission critical data

Last Version: 3.8.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.12.0.Final

Release Date:


io.github.benas : easybatch-quartz

Easy Batch - Quartz integration module

Last Version: 2.1.3

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.1

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Last Version: 2.0-beta4

Release Date:

composite-logging-deploy : composite-logging-deploy

The standard logging library used for deployments for Grails (which requires log4j)

Last Version: 3.5

Release Date:


tf.tofu : tofu-logging-structured_2.13

Opinionated set of tools for functional programming in Scala

Last Version: 0.10.8

Release Date:


tf.tofu : tofu-logging-structured_2.12

Opinionated set of tools for functional programming in Scala

Last Version: 0.10.8

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0.M1

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Last Version: 0.12.3

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Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:

GoDaddy Logging : logging

Logging Framework to allow for an easy to use and consistent logging experience.

Last Version: 1.2.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 12.0

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Last Version: 1.0.1

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Last Version: 0.13.1

Release Date:


org.graylog2 : graylog2-rest-models

Graylog REST API Data Transfer Object Classes

Last Version: 1.3.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.12.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 4.22ea2

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.8

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