Application Servers

Last Version: 9.4.5.v20180619

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.6.8

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.6.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 8.0.0.M3

Release Date:

Jetty :: P2

org.eclipse.jetty : jetty-p2

Generates a (maven based) P2 Updatesite

Last Version: 11.0.10

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.2.0

Release Date:

Glassfish: JSP 2.2 implementation

org.mortbay.jetty : jsp-impl

JSP 2.2 implementation from Glassfish

Last Version: 2.2.2.b05.0

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Jetty 9.x embedded container test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-jetty9x-embedded-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Jetty 9.x container

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:


com.armanbilge : http4s-jetty-client_3

jetty implementation for http4s clients

Last Version: 1.0-377-020cf9e

Release Date:


com.mysema.commons : mysema-commons-jetty

MysemaCommons contains general, search and test related components and utilities

Last Version: 6.1.15

Release Date:

Last Version: 11.0.11

Release Date:

Cometd :: Jetty Bayeux Java Client

org.mortbay.jetty : bayeux-client

Additional artifacts supporting jetty from the server or client side.

Last Version: 7.0.0pre2

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.36.1

Release Date:


com.cloudhopper : ch-jetty

Wrapper around Jetty HTTP Server that makes config and embedding easy.

Last Version: 1.1.5

Release Date:


org.http4s : http4s-jetty-server_3

Jetty implementation for http4s servers

Last Version: 1.0.0-M32

Release Date:


org.everit.jetty : org.everit.jetty.server.ecm.parent

Main (configuration) project for maven based Everit OpenSource solutions

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 8.0.0.M0

Release Date:

Last Version: 32

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.3-RELEASE

Release Date:

http-client-jetty : http-client-jetty

This project is the jetty http client implementation library in the cisco vss foundation runtime

Last Version: 0.0.0-8

Release Date:


org.scalatra : scalatra-jetty_2.13

Embedded Jetty server for Scalatra apps

Last Version: 2.8.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.1.2

Release Date:

Jetty :: ALPN :: Tests

org.mortbay.jetty.alpn : alpn-tests

A pure Java(TM) implementation of the Application Layer Protocol Negotiation TLS Extension

Last Version: 8.1.13.v20181017

Release Date:

OPS4J Pax Web - Jetty

com.highstreet-technologies.ops4j.pax.web : pax-web-jetty

Pax Web is a OSGi Http Service based on Jetty 8. Detailed information to be found at

Last Version: 7.3.19

Release Date:

Cargo Samples - Maven 3 - Jetty 8.x embedded container test

org.codehaus.cargo : cargo-sample-maven3-jetty8x-embedded-test

Sample application that exercises the Cargo Maven 3 plugin with an embedded Jetty 8.x container

Last Version: 1.9.12

Release Date:

CometD :: Archetypes :: Spring, Dojo and Jetty7

org.cometd.archetypes : cometd-archetype-spring-dojo-jetty7

2.9.1 - CometD archetype for creating a server-side event-driven web application

Last Version: 2.9.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 8.1.15.v20140411

Release Date:


com.github.rlon008 : testamation-jdk7-httpmock-jetty

A functional/integration almost-black-box testing framework for web applications using JDK 1.7

Last Version: 1.2

Release Date:


io.leopard : leopard-jetty-test


Last Version: 0.9.12

Release Date:

GateIn - Portlet Container (test - servers - Jetty 6)

org.gatein.pc : pc-test-jetty6

GateIn Portlet Container is the next generation portlet container on which GateIn Portal, and the Enterprise Portal Platform are based. It provides a standard-compliant implementation of the JSR-286 Portlet 2.0 specification. It has been developed with reusability in mind so that advanced users, who don't require a full-fledged portal, can leverage the portlet management services it provides in their own applications. GateIn Portlet Container is available through the business-friendly LGPL open source license.

Last Version: 2.3.2-GA

Release Date:

Last Version: 8.1.16.v20140903

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.7.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.3.67

Release Date:

Fabric8 :: Archetypes :: CDI :: Camel with Jetty as HTTP server

io.fabric8.archetypes : cdi-camel-jetty-archetype

Creates a new Camel route using CDI in a standalone Java Container using Jetty as HTTP server

Last Version: 2.2.197

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 6.1.26

Release Date:

Last Version: 9.4.15.v20190215

Release Date:


com.armanbilge : http4s-jetty-server_3

Jetty implementation for http4s servers

Last Version: 1.0-377-020cf9e

Release Date:

JUnited :: Jetty

com.crosstreelabs : junited.jetty

Provides Jetty support during testing

Last Version: 0.1.0

Release Date:

Jetty :: SPDY :: Jetty HTTP Layer

org.eclipse.jetty.spdy : spdy-jetty-http

Administrative parent pom for Jetty modules

Last Version: 8.2.0.v20160908

Release Date:


org.akhikhl.gretty : gretty-runner-jetty7

Advanced gradle plugin for running web-apps on jetty and tomcat

Last Version: 2.0.0

Release Date: