Application Servers

Arquillian Phantom Driver

org.jboss.arquillian.extension : arquillian-phantom-driver

Arquillian Phantom Driver provides dependency on the GhostDriver, dependency on PhantomJS binary and provides runtime resolution of the binary artifact to enable true headless unattended testing.

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com.opentable.components : otj-logging-jetty

Logging component Jetty access log adapter

Last Version: 5.3.0

Release Date:

Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jetty

org.apache.servicemix.bundles : org.apache.servicemix.bundles.jetty-bundle

This OSGi bundle wraps jetty, jetty-util, jetty-management, jetty-client, and jetty-sslengine 6.1.24 jar files.

Last Version: 6.1.24_4

Release Date:

Tyrus Grizzly Container

org.glassfish.tyrus : tyrus-container-grizzly

Tyrus is the reference implementation of Java API for WebSocket (JSR-356).

Last Version: 1.2.1

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Last Version: 3.1.2-b002

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Last Version: 1.1.1

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Last Version: 1.0-alpha-2

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Last Version: 1.0-alpha-2

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Last Version: 1.0-alpha-2

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Last Version: 200504122039

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PNC :: constants : constants

Module with constants, enums, etc.

Last Version: 2.3.1

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Geronimo Plugins, Jetty 8 :: Deployer

org.apache.geronimo.configs : jetty8-deployer

Geronimo deployer for Jetty 8 Web Server integration.

Last Version: 3.0.1

Release Date:


org.apache.nifi : nifi-jetty

NiFi: Framework Bundle

Last Version: 1.16.3

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Last Version: 1.2.4

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Apache Avro IPC Jetty

org.apache.avro : avro-ipc-jetty

Avro inter-process communication components using Jetty

Last Version: 1.11.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 8.1.2.v20120308

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Last Version: 3.0.0

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Last Version: 3.1.2

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TomEE :: Container :: Loader

org.apache.tomee : openejb-loader

Apache OpenEJB is an open source, modular, configurable and extensible EJB Container System and EJB Server.

Last Version: 8.0.12

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GShell Support :: Artifact + Maven : gshell-artifact-maven

Provides support for working with artifacts and repositories.

Last Version: 1.0-alpha-2

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Last Version: 1.0-alpha-2

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Last Version: 1.0-alpha-2

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Last Version: 1.0.0.Alpha4

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Forge - Maven Addon

org.jboss.forge.addon : maven

A core framework and next-generation container for tooling and automation at a fine-grained level.

Last Version: 3.10.0.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0.Beta3

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JBoss JMS 1.1 API

org.jboss.javaee : jboss-jms-api

The Java Messaging Service 1.1 API classes

Last Version:

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WildFly: Exported Jakarta EE Specification APIs

org.wildfly : wildfly-spec-api

Jakarta EE Specification APIs exported by the Application Server

Last Version: 27.0.0.Alpha1

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Last Version: 3.1.2

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Java Servlets 3.0 : servlet-3.0

This feature enables support for HTTP Servlets written to the Java Servlet 3.0 specification. The servlets can be packaged in Java EE specified WAR or EAR files. If servlet security is required, an appSecurity feature should also be configured; in the absence of a security feature any security constraints for the application will be ignored.

Last Version:

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TomEE :: Server :: Http

org.apache.tomee : openejb-http

Apache OpenEJB is an open source, modular, configurable and extensible EJB Container System and EJB Server.

Last Version: 8.0.12

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0-alpha-2

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Last Version: 1.0-alpha-2

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Last Version: 1.0-alpha-2

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Last Version: 1.0-alpha-2

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Last Version: 1.0-alpha-2

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Last Version: 1.0-alpha-2

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pnc-common : pnc-common

Provides, via submodules, a base configuration for JBoss project builds, as well as a derived configuration supporting multi-release JARs

Last Version: 2.1.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.1.0.Final

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Last Version: 1.0.0.CR10

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Last Version: 2.5.0.Beta1

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jboss : jbosssx-client

POM was created from install:install-file

Last Version: 4.2.2.GA

Release Date:

Last Version: 12.0.0

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Last Version: 25.0.1.Final

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JSF Jetty Spring Boot Starter

org.joinfaces : jsf-jetty-spring-boot-starter

Jsf Spring Boot Starter for Jetty and Mojarra

Last Version: 2.4.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.1.0-M4

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Payara Embedded-All

fish.payara.extras : payara-embedded-all

Embedded-All Distribution of the Payara Project

Last Version: 6.2022.1.Alpha2

Release Date:

GShell Commands :: BSF

org.apache.geronimo.gshell.commands : gshell-bsf

Commands for using BSF for scripting integration.

Last Version: 1.0-alpha-2

Release Date:

GShell Commands :: Repository

org.apache.geronimo.gshell.commands : gshell-repository

Provides commands to operate on a Maven repository.

Last Version: 1.0-alpha-2

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