Application Servers

Last Version: 2.0.0.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.6.8

Release Date:


com.helger.photon : ph-oton-jetty

Embedded Jetty runner for all Java web applications

Last Version: 8.4.0

Release Date:


org.glassfish.jersey.ext.cdi : jersey-cdi1x-ban-custom-hk2-binding

Jersey CDI integration - this module disables custom HK2 bindings

Last Version: 3.1.0-M3

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.1.0-M3

Release Date:

oauth1-server : oauth1-server

Module that adds an OAuth 1 support to Jersey server

Last Version: 3.1.0-M3

Release Date:

jersey-media-kryo : jersey-media-kryo

Jersey/JAX-RS Message Body Writer and Reader using Kryo serialization framework

Last Version: 3.1.0-M3

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.0.3

Release Date:

TomEE :: Server :: CXF

org.apache.tomee : openejb-cxf

Apache OpenEJB is an open source, modular, configurable and extensible EJB Container System and EJB Server.

Last Version: 8.0.12

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.0.1

Release Date:

Narayana: Tomcat JTA integration

org.jboss.integration : narayana-tomcat

Parent POM for JBoss projects. Provides default project build configuration.

Last Version: 1.0.0.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:

Arquillian SPI

org.jboss.arquillian : arquillian-spi

Extension View of the Arquillian Project

Last Version: 1.0.0.Alpha5

Release Date:

Forge - Projects Addon

org.jboss.forge : projects

A core framework and next-generation container for tooling and automation at a fine-grained level.

Last Version: 2.0.0.Alpha4

Release Date:

Last Version: 4.15.0.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.5.7.Final

Release Date:

WildFly: Clustering SPI

org.wildfly : wildfly-clustering-spi

An integration module for use by subsystem/modules that use or install mechanisms from the public clustering API.

Last Version: 26.1.1.Final

Release Date:

Eclipse Transformer

org.wildfly.extras.batavia : transformer-impl-eclipse

Provides, via submodules, a base configuration for JBoss project builds, as well as a derived configuration supporting multi-release JARs

Last Version: 1.0.14.Final

Release Date:


com.helger : ph-oton-jetty

Embedded Jetty runner for all Java web applications

Last Version: 8.2.4

Release Date:

Last Version: 3.1.0-M3

Release Date:


org.apache.tomcat.extras : tomcat-extras-juli-adapters

Adapters to plug in other logging frameworks in Tomcat

Last Version: 9.0.0.M6

Release Date:

Portlet Bridge JSF 2 Implementation

org.jboss.portletbridge : portletbridge-impl

Parent POM for JBoss projects. Provides default project build configuration.

Last Version: 3.3.4.Final

Release Date:


org.jboss.byteman : byteman-layer

The Byteman layer jar provides support for agents to create a Jigsaw module layer at runtime, install a module in the layer and populate the layer with classes defined via byte arrays in class file format.

Last Version: 4.0.19

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0.Alpha2

Release Date:

JBossTS jbossxts-api

org.jboss.jbossts : jbossxts-api

JBossTS - JBoss Transaction Service. JTA, JTS and XTS (WS-AT, WS-BA)

Last Version: 4.16.6.Final

Release Date:

Galleon Core

org.jboss.galleon : galleon-core

Provides, via submodules, a base configuration for JBoss project builds, as well as a derived configuration supporting multi-release JARs

Last Version: 5.0.2.Final

Release Date:

Expression Language 4.0 API

org.jboss.spec.jakarta.el : jboss-el-api_4.0_spec

Expression Language defines an expression language for Java applications

Last Version: 3.0.0

Release Date:


jboss : jmx-adaptor-plugin

POM was created from install:install-file

Last Version: 4.2.2.GA

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.5.7.Final

Release Date:

WildFly: MicroProfile Config Feature pack

org.wildfly : wildfly-microprofile-config-feature-pack

Parent POM for JBoss projects. Provides default project build configuration.

Last Version: 1.3.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 0.9.0-beta1

Release Date:

JSF Jetty Richfaces Spring Boot Starter

org.joinfaces : jsf-jetty-richfaces-spring-boot-starter

Jsf Spring Boot Starter for Jetty and Mojarra and Richfaces

Last Version: 2.4.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 7.0.0.pre5

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.4.2

Release Date:


org.glassfish.jersey.ext : jersey-servlet-portability

Library that enables writing web applications that run with both Jersey 1.x and Jersey 2.x servlet containers.

Last Version: 3.0.0-M6

Release Date:

Wicket Http/2 Tomcat 8.5+

org.apache.wicket.experimental.wicket9 : wicket-http2-tomcat

Wicket’s implementation to use the PushBuilder API to serve resource via http/2 with less requests. This is the Apache Tomcat 8.5+ implementation to resolve the PushBuilder API and provide the IInitializer.

Last Version: 0.21

Release Date:


org.jboss.errai : errai-codegen-gwt

Errai is a GWT-based framework for building rich web applications using next-generation web technologies.

Last Version: 4.15.0.Final

Release Date: