Application Servers

Geronimo Configs :: J2EE System

org.apache.geronimo.configs : j2ee-system

Apache Geronimo, the J2EE server project of the Apache Software Foundation.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:

Geronimo Plugins, CXF :: CXF

org.apache.geronimo.configs : cxf

Geronimo Web Services Apache CXF integration

Last Version: 3.0.1

Release Date:

Geronimo Framework, Modules :: Plugin

org.apache.geronimo.framework : geronimo-plugin

Apache Geronimo, the JavaEE server project of the Apache Software Foundation.

Last Version: 3.0.1

Release Date:

Geronimo Configs :: JavaEE Specs

org.apache.geronimo.configs : jee-specs

Apache Geronimo, the J2EE server project of the Apache Software Foundation.

Last Version: 2.0.2

Release Date:

CXF Reliable JMS transport :: Modules :: Transport

org.ow2.jonas.cxf.transport.reliablejms : modules-transport

The OW2 Consortium is an open source community committed to making available to everyone the best and most reliable middleware technology. OW2 mission is to develop open source code middleware and to foster a vibrant community and business ecosystem.

Last Version: 0.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.3.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.3.0

Release Date:

Apache Tomcat Maven Plugin :: Tomcat 7.x War Runner

org.apache.tomcat.maven : tomcat7-war-runner

The Tomcat Maven Plugin provides goals to manipulate WAR projects within the Tomcat servlet container.

Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:


org.atmosphere : atmosphere-compat-tomcat

Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:

Tomcat Transmitter

de.saxsys.synchronizefx : tomcat-transmitter

Tomcat Websocket Servlet Transmitter for SynchronizeFX

Last Version: 0.7.0

Release Date:

Tomcat Juli log lib reimplemented over slf4j

com.github.akiraly.reusable-poms : tomcat-juli-over-slf4j

This is the same for Tomcat juli log library as jcl-over-slf4j is for commons-logging

Last Version: 4

Release Date:

Bitronix Transaction Manager :: Tomcat 5.5+ lifecycle

com.github.marcus-nl.btm : btm-tomcat55-lifecycle

The Bitronix Transaction Manager (BTM) is a simple but complete implementation of the JTA 1.1 API.

Last Version: 3.0.0-mk1

Release Date:

Guise Tomcat

io.guise : guise-tomcat

Guise™ extensions to Apache Tomcat.

Last Version: 0.5.2

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.1.0-publishinci.fc6f58f

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.2.0.Beta1

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Last Version: 2.0.0.Alpha1

Release Date:

jboss.logging : jboss-logmanager

JPMS Module-Info's for a few of the Jakarta Libraries just until they add them in themselves

Last Version: 62

Release Date:

Galleon Testsuite

org.jboss.galleon : galleon-testsuite

Provides, via submodules, a base configuration for JBoss project builds, as well as a derived configuration supporting multi-release JARs

Last Version: 5.0.2.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.0-alpha.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.3.0.Final

Release Date:

RichFaces-Selenium: Library

org.jboss.test : richfaces-selenium

Library extending Selenium functionality for testing Ajax and containing templates for testing of JavaEE applications incl. server deployment

Last Version: 1.5.3.Final

Release Date:


jboss : jboss-aop-jdk50-client

POM was created from install:install-file

Last Version: 4.2.2.GA

Release Date:

Forge - Database Tools API

org.jboss.forge.addon : database-tools-api

A core framework and next-generation container for tooling and automation at a fine-grained level.

Last Version: 3.10.0.Final

Release Date:

JBoss Metadata Common : jboss-metadata-common

JBoss Application Server: Metadata Aggregator

Last Version: 7.0.0.Alpha1

Release Date:

ShrinkWrap Resolver Embedded Gradle Archive Implementation

org.jboss.shrinkwrap.resolver : shrinkwrap-resolver-impl-gradle-embedded-archive

Implementation for Resolving Dependencies from a Gradle Backend to a ShrinkWrap Archive

Last Version: 3.1.4

Release Date:

Furnace - CDI Container API

org.jboss.forge.furnace : container-cdi-api

Parent POM for JBoss projects. Provides default project build configuration.

Last Version: 2.0.0.Alpha9

Release Date:

Forge - Templates Addon Impl

org.jboss.forge.addon : templates-impl

A core framework and next-generation container for tooling and automation at a fine-grained level.

Last Version: 3.10.0.Final

Release Date:

Forge - Testing Addon API

org.jboss.forge.addon : testing-api

A core framework and next-generation container for tooling and automation at a fine-grained level.

Last Version: 3.10.0.Final

Release Date:

Forge - Gradle Impl

org.jboss.forge.addon : gradle-impl

Parent POM for JBoss projects. Provides default project build configuration.

Last Version: 3.0.0.Alpha3

Release Date:


org.jboss.weld : weld-junit-common

Set of JUnit extensions to enhance the testing of CDI components.

Last Version: 4.0.0.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.1.0.Alpha1

Release Date:

Forge - Testing Addon

org.jboss.forge.addon : testing

A core framework and next-generation container for tooling and automation at a fine-grained level.

Last Version: 3.10.0.Final

Release Date:


org.jboss.byteman : byteman-bmunit5

The Byteman bmunit5 jar provides integration of Byteman into JUnit5 tests.

Last Version: 4.0.19

Release Date:

JBoss Application Server: Domain Core : jboss-as-domain

JBoss Application Server: Parent Aggregator

Last Version: 7.0.0.Alpha1

Release Date:

Forge - Aesh Addon Impl

org.jboss.forge : aesh-impl

A core framework and next-generation container for tooling and automation at a fine-grained level.

Last Version: 2.0.0.Alpha4

Release Date:

Last Version: 2.0.0.Alpha1

Release Date:

PNC Build Agent Common : common

PNC Build Agent is used to expose shell like interface via Http and WebSockets of the host running the agent. It can be used to execute remote command and get the command output back via WebSocket, command completion is notified via WebSocket. It can also handle file uploads and downloads.

Last Version: 1.0.5

Release Date:

Last Version: 5.12.7.Final

Release Date:

ReBot - JBoss Books Service Provider

it.rebase : rebot-jboss-books-service

implementation of /books command Provide a link for book download or the link to read it online on And notifies the Telegram group where is service is active when a book is added or updated.

Last Version: 0.1

Release Date:

Forge - Scaffold Addon

org.jboss.forge.addon : scaffold

A core framework and next-generation container for tooling and automation at a fine-grained level.

Last Version: 3.10.0.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 6.1.0.Beta2

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