Application Servers

Last Version: 1.0.2.Final

Release Date:

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Infinispan

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-infinispan

For reading/writing from/to Infinispan distributed key/value store and data grid.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Weather

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-weather

Polls the weather information from Open Weather Map.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Teiid File Ftp Translator

org.wildfly.swarm : teiid-ftp

Adds Teiid File FTP translators

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Mvel

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-mvel

Transforms the message using a MVEL template.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Bindy

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-bindy

Camel Bindy data format support

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Spring-ldap

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-spring-ldap

The spring-ldap component allows you to perform searches in LDAP servers using filters as the message payload.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Jsch

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-jsch

To copy files using the secure copy protocol (SCP).

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

WildFly: Subsystem Test Controller 7.2.0

org.wildfly.core : wildfly-subsystem-test-controller-7.2.0

Parent POM for JBoss projects. Provides default project build configuration.

Last Version: 1.0.0.Alpha2

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Smpp

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-smpp

To send and receive SMS using a SMSC (Short Message Service Center).

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Quartz2

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-quartz2

Provides a scheduled delivery of messages using the Quartz 2.x scheduler.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Optaplanner

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-optaplanner

Solves the planning problem contained in a message with OptaPlanner.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Lucene

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-lucene

To insert or query from Apache Lucene databases.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Servlet

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-servlet

To use a HTTP Servlet as entry for Camel routes when running in a servlet container.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Servicenow

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-servicenow

The servicenow component is used to integrate Camel with ServiceNow cloud services.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Elsql

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-elsql

The elsql component is an extension to the existing SQL Component that uses ElSql to define the SQL queries.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Kafka

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-kafka

The kafka component allows messages to be sent to (or consumed from) Apache Kafka brokers.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Crypto

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-crypto

The crypto component is used for signing and verifying exchanges using the Signature Service of the Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE).

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Braintree

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-braintree

The braintree component is used for integrating with the Braintree Payment System.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Protobuf

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-protobuf

Camel Google Protobuf data format support

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Teiid Amazon S3 Translator

org.wildfly.swarm : teiid-amazon-s3

Teiid Amazon S3 Translator to access files on Amazon S3

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Zookeeper

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-zookeeper

The zookeeper component allows interaction with a ZooKeeper cluster.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Rss

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-rss

The rss component is used for consuming RSS feeds.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Dns

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-dns

To lookup domain information and run DNS queries using DNSJava.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Barcode

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-barcode

Camel Barcode (e.g. QRcode, PDF417, DataMatrix) support

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Ahc

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-ahc

To call external HTTP services using Async Http Client.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Teiid Infinispan Hotrod Translator

org.wildfly.swarm : teiid-infinispan-hotrod

Teiid Infinispan Hotrod based Translator to acache contents on Infinispan cluster using the probuf as the schema

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Xmlsecurity

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-xmlsecurity

Used to sign and verify exchanges using the XML signature specification.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Vertx

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-vertx

The vertx component is used for sending and receive messages from a vertx event bus.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Mongodb

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-mongodb

Component for working with documents stored in MongoDB database.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 10.0.0.Alpha1

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Ssh

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-ssh

The ssh component enables access to SSH servers such that you can send an SSH command and process the response.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Stream

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-stream

The stream: component provides access to the system-in system-out and system-err streams as well as allowing streaming of file and URL.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Ahc-ws

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-ahc-ws

To exchange data with external Websocket servers using Async Http Client.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Box

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-box

For uploading downloading and managing files folders groups collaborations etc on box DOT com.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Pdf

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-pdf

The pdf components provides the ability to create modify or extract content from PDF documents.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date:

Camel Component :: Metrics

org.wildfly.swarm : camel-metrics

To collect various metrics directly from Camel routes using the DropWizard metrics library.

Last Version: 2018.5.0

Release Date: