Java Libraries


com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-waf

The AWS Java SDK for AWS WAF Service module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS WAF Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS Signer

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-signer

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Signer module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Signer Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Simple Email

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-sesv2

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Simple Email module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Simple Email Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudWatch

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-cloudwatch

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudWatch module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon CloudWatch Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Lookout for Metrics

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-lookoutmetrics

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Lookout for Metrics module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Lookout for Metrics Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Forecast

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-forecast

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Forecast module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Forecast Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS Batch

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-batch

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Batch module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Batch.

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS Panorama

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-panorama

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Panorama module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Panorama Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Chime SDK Identity

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-chimesdkidentity

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Chime SDK Identity module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Chime SDK Identity Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon SQS

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-sqs

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon SQS module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Simple Queue Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS Pricing

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-pricing

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Pricing module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Pricing Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Machine Learning

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-machinelearning

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Machine Learning module holds the client classes that is used for communicating with Amazon Machine Learning Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Kinesis Video Signaling Channels

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-kinesisvideosignalingchannels

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Kinesis Video Signaling Channels module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Kinesis Video Signaling Channels Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:


com.hashicorp : cdktf-provider-google

Prebuilt google Provider for Terraform CDK (cdktf)

Last Version: 0.9.32

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS Elemental MediaPackage

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-mediapackage

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Elemental MediaPackage module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Elemental MediaPackage Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Macie 2

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-macie2

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Macie 2 module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Macie 2 Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS Global Accelerator

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-globalaccelerator

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Global Accelerator module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Global Accelerator Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon EMR

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-emr

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon EMR module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Elastic MapReduce Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Recycle Bin

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-recyclebin

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Recycle Bin module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Recycle Bin Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon SageMaker Feature Store Runtime

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon SageMaker Feature Store Runtime module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon SageMaker Feature Store Runtime Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudWatch Logs

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-logs

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudWatch Logs module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon CloudWatch Logs Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS SDK For Java for OSGi

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-osgi

The AWS SDK for Java with support for OSGi. The AWS SDK for Java provides Java APIs for building software on AWS' cost-effective, scalable, and reliable infrastructure products. The AWS Java SDK allows developers to code against APIs for all of Amazon's infrastructure web services (Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon SQS, Amazon Relational Database Service, Amazon AutoScaling, etc).

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS Network Firewall

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-networkfirewall

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Network Firewall module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Network Firewall Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS IoT Events Data

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-ioteventsdata

The AWS Java SDK for AWS IoT Events Data module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS IoT Events Data Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon DevOps Guru

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-devopsguru

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon DevOps Guru module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon DevOps Guru Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Cognito Identity Provider Service

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-cognitoidp

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Cognito Identity Provider Service module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Cognito Identity Provider Service.

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS Cloud9

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-cloud9

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Cloud9 module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Cloud9 Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Chime SDK Media Pipelines

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-chimesdkmediapipelines

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Chime SDK Media Pipelines module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Chime SDK Media Pipelines Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS IoT Wireless

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-iotwireless

The AWS Java SDK for AWS IoT Wireless module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS IoT Wireless Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS Application Cost Profiler

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-applicationcostprofiler

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Application Cost Profiler module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Application Cost Profiler Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon CodeGuru Profiler

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-codeguruprofiler

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon CodeGuru Profiler module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon CodeGuru Profiler Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS SDK for Java - Bundle

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-bundle

A single bundled dependency that includes all service and dependent JARs with third-party libraries relocated to different namespaces.

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Lex Model Building

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-lexmodelbuilding

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Lex Model Building module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Lex Model Building Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS IoT 1-Click Projects

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-iot1clickprojects

The AWS Java SDK for AWS IoT 1-Click Projects module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS IoT 1-Click Projects Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-applicationinsights

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS Application Auto Scaling

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-applicationautoscaling

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Application Auto Scaling module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Application Auto Scaling service.

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AmazonConnectCampaign

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-connectcampaign

The AWS Java SDK for AmazonConnectCampaign module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AmazonConnectCampaign Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-mediapackagevod

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Managed Streaming for Kafka Connect

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-kafkaconnect

The AWS Java SDK for Managed Streaming for Kafka Connect module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Managed Streaming for Kafka Connect Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Personalize Events

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-personalizeevents

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Personalize Events module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Personalize Events Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS IoT Core Device Advisor

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-iotdeviceadvisor

The AWS Java SDK for AWS IoT Core Device Advisor module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS IoT Core Device Advisor Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS GameLift

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-gamelift

The AWS Java SDK for AWS GameLift module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS GameLift service.

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS X-Ray

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-xray

The AWS Java SDK for AWS X-Ray module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS X-Ray Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS IoT Greengrass V2

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-greengrassv2

The AWS Java SDK for AWS IoT Greengrass V2 module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS IoT Greengrass V2 Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Lookout for Equipment

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-lookoutequipment

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Lookout for Equipment module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Lookout for Equipment Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Lex Runtime V2

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-lexruntimev2

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Lex Runtime V2 module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Lex Runtime V2 Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-dax

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS Backup Gateway

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-backupgateway

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Backup Gateway module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Backup Gateway Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for Amazon Textract

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-textract

The AWS Java SDK for Amazon Textract module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with Amazon Textract Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date:

AWS Java SDK for AWS Mobile

com.amazonaws : aws-java-sdk-mobile

The AWS Java SDK for AWS Mobile module holds the client classes that are used for communicating with AWS Mobile Service

Last Version: 1.12.249

Release Date: