Project Group: at.bestsolution

Last Version: 1.1.0

Release Date:

Eclipse p2 and OSGi-r5 to Maven publisher library

at.bestsolution : at.bestsolution.maven.publisher

A who helps with publishing p2 and OSGi-R5 repositories to a maven repository

Last Version: 1.1.1

Release Date:

Maven OSGi Execution Plug-in

at.bestsolution : maven-osgi-package-plugin

Maven Plug-in to execute OSGi-Applications from maven

Last Version: 0.0.1

Release Date:

Maven OSGi Execution Plug-in

at.bestsolution : maven-osgi-exec-plugin

Maven Plug-in to execute OSGi-Applications from maven

Last Version: 0.0.1

Release Date:

bindex2 maven plugin

at.bestsolution : bindex-maven-plugin

wraps biz.aQute.bnd:org.osgi.impl.bundle.repoindex.cli into a maven plugin

Last Version: 3.0.0

Release Date:

Java API for dart analysis server

at.bestsolution : at.bestsolution.dart.server.api

Java APIs to interface with the dart analysis server

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

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