ElasticConfig Mapping Annotations is a Java project which allows you to automatically configure the analysis and mapping of an ElasticSearch index based on annotations.
First create an annotated POJO representing your ElasticSearch type:
@Filter(name = "delimiter_catenate", type = Filter.WORD_DELIMITER, properties = {
@Property(key = "catenate_words", value = "true"),
@Property(key = "catenate_numbers", value = "true")
@CustomAnalyzer(name = "default", tokenizer = Tokenizer.WHITESPACE, filters = {
Filter.LOWERCASE, "delimiter_catenate", Filter.ASCII_FOLDING, Filter.PORTER_STEM
@CustomAnalyzer(name = "reference", tokenizer = Tokenizer.WHITESPACE, filters = {
@TextMapping(field = "search_field", index = true, store = false)
public class LibraryItem implements Serializable {
public static final String NAME = "LibraryItem";
@KeywordMapping(index = true, store = true)
private String publicationId;
@KeywordMapping(index = true, store = true, copyTo = "search_field")
private String name;
@TextMapping(index = false, store = true, analyzer = "reference")
private String code;
@TextMapping(index = false, store = false, copyTo = "search_field")
private String description;
// getters and setters
Then, use the AnalysisFactory and MappingFactory to complete your CreateIndexRequest:
class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CreateIndexRequest request = new CreateIndexRequest("library");
request.mapping(LibraryItem.NAME, MappingFactory.createMapping(Collections.singletonList(LibraryItem.class), true));
CreateIndexResponse response = client.indices().create(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
if (!response.isAcknowledged) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Index could not be created");
Alternatively, you can ask ElasticConfig to automatically create indices for all types in a certain package which are annotated with @Index:
class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {