Sample projects for STEP
- Maven is installed
- JDK 8 is installed
- Using a Java IDE is recommended (for instance Eclipse)
- Chrome is installed
This repo contains two maven projects showcasing the basic capability of step's Keyword API.
The project demo-java-keyword contains a keyword class and package as well as a JUnit test class allowing you to understand how the java dependency and API work.
The project demo-selenium-keyword has similar content as the first project but this time, extended dependencies will allow the use of the chrome WebDriver and the corresponding JUnit test class will trigger a basic Selenium workflow.
The purpose of this repo, once you've familiarized yourself with the project's contents, is to help you package and deploy the keywords onto a STEP platform. For a local installation, just download the latest release and follow our installation guidelines.
ALternatively, if you're not interested in experimenting with a local instance and are not planing on running step on premise, you could skip this step and just contact us through our company contact form to request a cloud cluster directly. In that scenario, step is offered as a SaaS application and you don't have to worry about any operational aspects such as infrastructure, installation, upgrades or housekeeping.
Project setup
Ideally using an IDE like Eclipse, and after cloning this repo and checking the prerequisites from above, you can start by just running the two JUnit classes. JavaKeywordExampleTest will make use of keyword methods defined in JavaKeywordExample and SeleniumKeywordExampleTest will make use of keyword methods defined in SeleniumKeywordExampleTest.
Just run maven's package goal against the pom files of both projects. In addition to also executing the JUnit tests, two jar files containing the keyword classes will be built as a result: demo-java-keyword-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar demo-selenium-keyword-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar which you'll find in their corresponding project output folders.
Deployment onto either a local step instance or a cloud instance can then ensue. Please follow the recommendations from our official documentation.
For support, please check out our official support page or contact form.