A tool to decrypt the XML node text stored in maven settings.xml files
Inspired by jelmerk/maven-settings-decoder
Maven 2.1.0+ supports server password encryption
This tool lets you decrypt these encrypted text as long as you have access to both the settings.xml file and the settings-security.xml file.
usage: maven-settings-decoder
-s,--settings <arg> location of settings.xml file.
-ss,--settings-security <arg> location of settings-security.xml.
-x,--xml-path <arg> xpath expression, only node text is supported.
or set '-s' and '-ss' in MAVEN_SETTINGS environment variable.
Use as a command-line tool:
java -jar maven-settings-decoder-cli/target/maven-settings-decoder-cli-*-exec.jar \
-s "${HOME}/.m2/settings.xml" \
-ss "${HOME}/.m2/settings-security.xml" \
-x "/settings/servers/server[id='private-nexus3-releases']/password/text()"
# or
java -jar maven-settings-decoder-cli/target/maven-settings-decoder-cli-*-exec.jar \
-s "${HOME}/.m2/settings.xml" \
-ss "${HOME}/.m2/settings-security.xml" \
-x "//server[id='private-nexus3-releases']/password/text()"
Use as gradle buildscript dependency, so we can access maven's settings.xml from our build script:
buildscript {
// is in maven central.
// use sonatype-snapshots to get snapshot versions
//maven { url '' }
dependencies {
classpath ''
ext.mavenSettings = new;
ext.nexusSnapshotsUser = mavenSettings.getText("//server[id='${nexus}-snapshots']/username/text()")
ext.nexusSnapshotsPass = mavenSettings.getText("//server[id='${nexus}-snapshots']/password/text()")
println "${nexus}-snapshots username: " + mavenSettings.getText("//server[id='${nexus}-snapshots']/username/text()")
println "${nexus}-snapshots password: " + mavenSettings.getText("//server[id='${nexus}-snapshots']/password/text()")
Build this package
./mvnw -s settings.xml clean install
CI_OPT_OSSRH_NEXUS2_USER=user CI_OPT_OSSRH_NEXUS2_PASS=password ./mvnw -Dgpg.executable=gpg -Dgpg.loopback=true -s settings.xml clean deploy