Project Group: cn.jhc


cn.jhc : spring-social-qq

Spring social extension for Tecent QQ.

Last Version: 0.0.5

Release Date:


cn.jhc : umeditor-fragment

Web fragment wrapper for umeditor( umeditor is the mini version of ueditor(, which is a versatile rich text editor. umeditor has been used in, and has proven to be an efficient editor. umeditor-fragment is a wrapper for umeditor, it use Servlet 3.0 techonology, and can be deployed as a single web fragment jar.

Last Version: 0.0.2

Release Date:


cn.jhc : umeditor-vaadin-js

Vaadin wrapper for umeditor( umeditor is the mini version of ueditor(, which is a versatile rich text editor. umeditor has been used in, and has proven to be an efficient editor. umeditor-vaadin-js dependends on umeditor-fragment(

Last Version: 0.0.1

Release Date:

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