Dropwizard component to enable cloudwatch log appender
Add dependency to build.gradle
compile 'co.wrisk.dropwizard:dropwizard-logging-cloudwatch:1.0.3'
Set up new appender in Dropwizard logging configuration:
- type: console
- type: awslogs
logGroup: logGroupName # required
logStream: logStreamName # required
region: us-east-1 # required
accessKey: AWS access key # optional
secretKey: AWS secret key # optional
skipCreate: false # optional, does not create log group and stream if they don't exist
maxBatchSize: 512 # optional
maxBatchTime: 1000 # optional
Continuous Integration
CircleCI builds the project with Oracle JDK 8. Builds are deployed to Sonatype OSSRH.