Project Group: com.aceql

AceQL HTTP Client JDBC Driver Free

com.aceql : aceql-http-client-jdbc-driver

The AceQL Java Client JDBC Driver allows to wrap the AceQL HTTP APIs and eliminates the tedious works of handling communications errors and parsing JSON results. Android and Java Desktop application developers can access remote SQL databases and/or SQL databases in the cloud by simply including standard JDBC calls in their code, just like they would for a local database.

Last Version: 9.1

Release Date:


com.aceql : aceql-http

AceQL HTTP is a framework of REST like http APIs that allow to access to remote SQL databases over http from any device that supports http. AceQL HTTP is provided with three client SDK: - The AceQL C# Client SDK allows to wrap the HTTP APIs using Microsoft SQL Server like calls in their code, just like they would for a local database. - The AceQL Java Client JDBC Driver allows to wrap the HTTP APIs using JDBC calls in their code, just like they would for a local database. - The AceQL Python Client SDK allows SQL calls to be encoded with standard unmodified DB-API 2.0 syntax

Last Version: 11.0

Release Date:


com.aceql : aceql-http-client-sdk

The AceQL Java Client SDK allows to wrap the AceQL HTTP APIs and eliminate the tedious works of handling communications errors and parsing JSON results. Android and Java Desktop application developers can access remote SQL databases and/or SQL databases in the cloud by simply including standard JDBC calls in their code, just like they would for a local database.

Last Version: 5.1

Release Date:

AceQL Client

com.aceql : aceql-client

AceQL combines a virtual JDBC Driver and a framework to enable remote JDBC access over HTTP. Android and Java Desktop application developers can access remote SQL databases in the cloud by simply including standard JDBC calls in their code, just like they would for a local database.

Last Version: 4.0

Release Date:

AceQL Server

com.aceql : aceql-server

AceQL combines a virtual JDBC Driver and a framework to enable remote JDBC access over HTTP. Android and Java Desktop application developers can access remote SQL databases in the cloud by simply including standard JDBC calls in their code, just like they would for a local database.

Last Version: 4.0

Release Date:

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