Create Java project with Maven archetype aws-serverless-struts2-archetype
A Java framework to run Spring, Spring Boot, Jersey, Spark, and Struts applications inside AWS Lambda
Create a Java Project by archetype aws-serverless-struts2-archetype with Command Line:
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId="" -DartifactId="my-app-id" -DarchetypeGroupId="com.amazonaws.serverless.archetypes" -DarchetypeArtifactId="aws-serverless-struts2-archetype" -DarchetypeVersion="1.8" -DinteractiveMode=false
Details about maven archetype aws-serverless-struts2-archetype
License |
GroupId |
GroupIdcom.amazonaws.serverless.archetypes |
ArtifactId |
ArtifactIdaws-serverless-struts2-archetype |
Version |
Version1.8 |
Type |
Typemaven-archetype |
Description |
A Java framework to run Spring, Spring Boot, Jersey, Spark, and Struts applications inside AWS Lambda
Source Code Management |
Source Code Management
How to add to project
compile (1)
provided (1)
test (3)
Project Modules
There are no modules declared in this project.