Project Group:

AppNeta Java Agent : appneta-agent

The AppNeta Java instrumentation agent. Contains the required jar, configuration file and native libraries for Windows and Linux. AppNeta provides application performance monitoring for Java web apps through this agent. The files contained here allow for event tracking within your application to identify latency timings between your application layers. More options can be found here: For other information on our Java agent please visit

Last Version: 5.0.6

Release Date:

AppNeta Java Instrumentation API : appneta-api

Enables custom instrumentation by providing an API to capture start and end times for your functions and include arbitrary data. While AppNeta provides superior out-of-the-box performance monitoring, using the API can allow for more detailed transaction reporting within AppNeta's user interface. For other information on our Java agent please visit For API information please visit

Last Version: 5.0.6

Release Date:

AppNeta instrumentation agent installer plugin : appneta-maven-plugin

A Maven plugin that installs the AppNeta Java instrumentation agent. Can be used within a pom or directly from command line. The supported goals are "install-agent" and "download-agent". The configuration properties are "agentVersion", "agentLocation" and "agentOperatingSystem"(the last one is only valid for "download-agent" goal), all are optional and may be specified as maven configuration properties or system properties. For other information on our Java agent please visit

Last Version: 1.0.0

Release Date:

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