Project Group:

AppOptics Java Instrumentation SDK : appoptics-sdk

Enables custom instrumentation by providing an SDK to capture start and end times for your functions and include arbitrary data. While AppOptics provides superior out-of-the-box performance monitoring, using the SDK can allow for more detailed transaction reporting within AppOptics's user interface. For other information on our Java agent please visit For SDK information please visit .

Last Version: 6.24.3

Release Date:

AppOptics Java Agent Jar : appoptics-agent

The AppOptics Java instrumentation agent jar file. This artifact provides a convenient way to download the agent jar from public Maven repository. Please take note that this should NOT be included as a part of the project dependencies. Rather, this artifact should be integrated into the build process by using extra step such as the "copy" goal of "maven-dependency-plugin". For more information, please refer to

Last Version: 6.24.3

Release Date:

AppOptics Java AWS Lambda : appoptics-aws-lambda

The AppOptics Java agent provides an instrumentation SDK for AWS Lambda as the appoptics-aws-lambda Maven artifact, which provides a convenience wrapper to trace functions, wrappers to trace the operation and propagate the trace context in Apache Http clients, and OpenTelemetry-compatible SDK to create custom spans for additional insight. In addition, appoptics-aws-lambda supports code profiling when the function is configured with enough memory/CPU.

Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:

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