How to use
Simply add the SeoWidget into your UiBinder. It currently supports all the following tags :
<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "">
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=""
<seo:Title>My Title</seo:Title>
<seo:Description>My Description</seo:Description>
<seo:OgImage height="480" width="480">http://some.image.png</seo:OgImage>
<seo:OgType typeValue="WEBSITE"/>
<seo:Custom property="og:audio"></seo:Custom>
<p>This is my page, now with SEO!</p>
If you want to use other meta properties, you can use <seo:Custom property="theproperty">Value</seo:Custom>
as a fallback.
Internationalization (i18n)
You can also use ui:msg inside the tags to use i18n messages :
<ui:msg description="SEO - MAIN - TITLE">Title</ui:msg>
<ui:msg description="SEO - MAIN - DESCRIPTION">Description</ui:msg>
<ui:msg description="SEO - MAIN - KEYWORDS">kw1,kw2,kw3</ui:msg>
<seo:OgImage height="480" width="480">http://some.image.url</seo:OgImage>
<seo:OgType typeValue="WEBSITE"/>
Although there are no specific og:title
and og:description
tags, they are copied at runtime from the seo:Title
and ``seo:Description` tags.
How it works
When the SeoWidget is attached to the DOM, the content is used to generate <meta>
tags. Those tags are then inserted into the <head>
section. At the moment, nothing is done when the widget is detached. A good practice is to define specific SEO components in all your views.
Dynamic data
GWT-SEO can also simplify the way you handle meta properties from dynamic data
import com.arcbees.seo.Image;
import com.arcbees.seo.OpenGraph;
import com.arcbees.seo.SeoElements;
import com.arcbees.seo.TagsInjector;
// Other imports...
public class MyViewImpl implements MyView {
interface Binder extends UiBinder<Widget, MyViewImpl> {}
private final Widget widget;
private final TagsInjector tagsInjector;
Binder binder.
TagsInjector tagsInjector) {
widget = binder.createAndBindUi(this);
this.tagsInjector = tagsInjector;
public void setProduct(Product product) {
Photo photo = product.getPhoto();
Image image = new Image(photo.getUrl(), photo.getHeight(), photo.getWidth(), photo.getMimeType());
OpenGraph openGraph = new OpenGraph.Builder()
SeoElements seoElements = new SeoElements.Builder()
// ...