SCRAM SASL library for Java

SCRAM SASL authentication for Java







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SCRAM SASL library for Java
SCRAM SASL authentication for Java
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<dependency org="com.bolyartech.scram_sasl" name="scram_sasl" rev="2.0.2">
  <artifact name="scram_sasl" type="jar" />
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[com.bolyartech.scram_sasl/scram_sasl "2.0.2"]


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SCRAM SASL authentication for Java

Java library that implements SCRAM SASL (RFC5802) for both server and client.

Includes SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512 implementations and examples (you can easily create implementation that uses your own hashing function and digest).

This library was created because there was no Java-friendly implementation for client or server. Existing implementations were looking like a port of C/C++ code and/or was using Oracle's SASL API which is a) way too abstract for the 99% of the projects and b) not available on all platforms (Android, OpenJDK). Current library intentionally uses simple and straightforward approach in order to provide easy integration.

Why use SCRAM?

Please go to this Wikipedia page for a good explanation why it is good idea to use SCRAM.

In short: SCRAM provides more security in (at least) two aspects:

  1. You don't keep the passwords in your database weakly hashed (MD5/SHA-1) and thus even if your database is stolen the attacker cannot guess the passwords;
  2. During the authentication passwords are never send in clear form thus eliminating the use of man-in-the-middle attack.

How to use the library

There are two ways to use the library:

  • High level usage - which is described bellow and provides classes that can be used as a base for your client or server (Scram*SaslClientProcessor, Scram*SaslServerProcessor)
  • Low level usage - you can use directly/manually the building blocks in order to create your own implementation of server/client (ScramClientFunctionalityImpl, ScramServerFunctionalityImpl).


To support SCRAM your server will need two distinct functionalities: user registration and user authentication.

Bellow are the simplified explanations (for detailed ones please read the standard).

User registration goes like this:

  1. An user fills in registration form
  2. The user sends the data which contains username and password along with potential other fields
  3. The server generates salt, serverKey, storedKey and iterations and stores them along with the username locally usually in DB. Please note that the password is not stored in clear or hashed form.

User authentication goes like this:

  1. Client sends the first message which contains the username
  2. Server loads the user data for that username which contain the salt, serverKey, storedKey and iterations and sends back the salt and the iterations value (server's first message).
  3. Client uses the salt and the iterations to 'salt' his password and compute a proof which he sends back to the server (client's final message)
  4. Server uses the serverKey and the storedKey to analyze the proof and determine if it is correct and sends to the client its final message.

User registration

For the user registration you will need the static method ScramUtils.newPassword():

// given we have username and password in clear text received from the user
String username = ...
String password = ...

// ... we generate salt
SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
byte[] salt = new byte[24];

// ... then we generate value for the 'iterations' between 4096 and 6000
int iterations = 4096 + random.nextInt(1092);

// Compute user data using SHA-256
NewPasswordByteArrayData userDataArr = ScramUtils.newPassword(password,

// transform the data into DB friendly format i.e. String
NewPasswordStringData userDataString = ScramUtils.byteArrayToStringData(userDataArr);

// save the user data in your DB using `username` as key

Authentication (login)

For your server you will need some of the ScramSha*SaslServerProcessor classes in order to process the authentication sequence. You will have to create a new instance per each authentication.

There are 4 parameters needed to create an instance:

  • long connectionId - usually a server tracks its clients by connection ID which is assigned upon connection. Use this ID as first parameter. If your server uses something different than a long you will need to modify the lib (initially it was created to use generic parameter for connectionId but later I've decided that it is an overkill which only complicates the implementation).
  • Listener listener - you will have to provide implementation of ScramSaslServerProcessor.Listener. It has void onSuccess(long connectionId); and void onFailure(long connectionId); methods which will be used to notify your code that authentication has completed.
  • UserDataLoader userDataLoader - you will have to provide implementation that loads the user data from the DB and calls back the processor's onUserDataLoaded().
  • Sender sender - you will have to provide implementation that sends messages to the clients
// usually you will have global listener, user loader and sender
mListener = new Listener() {...}
mLoader = new UserDataLoader() {...}
mSender = new Sender() {...}

When a client connects:

// you will have connection ID
long connectionId = ...
ScramSaslServerProcessor processor = new ScramSha256SaslServerProcessor(

// usually you will have a map where processors are kept
mScramProcessors.put(connectionId, processor);

When you receive message:

void onMessageReceived(long connectionId, String message) {
    // first you get the needed processor
    ScramSaslServerProcessor processor = mScramProcessors.get(connectionId);

    // then you feed in the message

    // from this point on everything is automatic and you just wait for onSuccess
    // or onFailure call or abort the procedure with abort() (if for example it takes too long)

After creating the instance you just wait for the first client message and feed it to the processor via onMessage(String message). The processor will extract the username from it and call your implementation of UserDataLoader's loadUserData(String username, long connectionId, ScramSaslServerProcessor processor). There you will initiate the loading of the data (by adding the request to some queue for example) and when the data is available you will call processor's onUserDataLoaded(UserData data) which will prepare the first server message and send it to the client using your Sender implementation.

On the other side client will prepare it's final message and send it back to your server. When you receive it you will feed it again to onMessage(String message) and processor will prepare the server final message and send it. After that your listener will be called with onSuccess or onFailure depending on the success of the authentication. Please note that onFailure might be called at any stage of the authentication procedure if there is a problem with the authentication.

You must take care on your own to interrupt the sequence with abort() after given timeout if there is no outcome.

For an example please see the SCRAM SHA-256 SASL example.


To authenticate as a client you will need an instance of some of the ScramSha*SaslClientProcessor classes.

There are two parameters needed to create an instance:

  • Listener listener - will be used to notify your code of the authentication outcome. Implementation of ScramSaslClientProcessor.Listener;
  • Sender sender - will be used to send messages to the server. Implementation of ScramSaslClientProcessor.Sender

After creating the instance you have to initiate the sequence by calling the start() method of the processor:

// get the username and password from the UI
String username = ...
String password = ...

Listener listener = new Listener() {...};
Sender sender = new Sender() {...};

ScramSaslClientProcessor processor = new ScramSha256SaslClientProcessor(
                                          listener, sender);

processor.start(username, password);                                          

When you call start() first client message will be prepared and send to the server.

Now we are waiting for server to reply. When you receive message from the server you have to feed it to the processor:

// message is received
String message = ...

From that point on everything goes automatically. When the sequence is completed your listener will be notified with onSuccess or onFailure depending on the success of the authentication. Please note that onFailure might be called at any stage of the authentication procedure if there is a problem with the authentication.

You must take care on your own to interrupt the sequence with abort() after given timeout if there is no outcome.



compile 'com.bolyartech.scram_sasl:scram_sasl:2.0.2'

Don't forget to include jcenter in your repos like:

repositories {


Server implementation is based on ScramSha1SaslServer created by Richard Midwinter for the OpenFire XMPP Server

Client implementatin is based on AbstractScramSaslClient from Qpid JMS project.

StringPrep and Normalizer are using code created by Glenn Maynard with some minor modifications in order to suppress typo warnings in Intellij IDEA.


Copyright 2016 Ognyan Bankov

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

