
Retrofit callbacks with simpler and shorter syntax.







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Retrofit callbacks with simpler and shorter syntax.
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<!-- https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/com.byoutline.eventcallback/eventcallback-api/ -->
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/com.byoutline.eventcallback/eventcallback-api/
implementation 'com.byoutline.eventcallback:eventcallback-api:1.0.1'
// https://jarcasting.com/artifacts/com.byoutline.eventcallback/eventcallback-api/
implementation ("com.byoutline.eventcallback:eventcallback-api:1.0.1")
<dependency org="com.byoutline.eventcallback" name="eventcallback-api" rev="1.0.1">
  <artifact name="eventcallback-api" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='com.byoutline.eventcallback', module='eventcallback-api', version='1.0.1')
libraryDependencies += "com.byoutline.eventcallback" % "eventcallback-api" % "1.0.1"
[com.byoutline.eventcallback/eventcallback-api "1.0.1"]


compile (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
javax.inject : javax.inject jar 1

test (5)

Group / Artifact Type Version
junit : junit jar 4.12
org.codehaus.groovy : groovy-all jar 2.4.1
org.spockframework : spock-core jar 1.0-groovy-2.4
org.objenesis : objenesis jar 1.2
cglib : cglib-nodep jar 2.2.2

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EventCallback allows creating instances of Retrofit callbacks using short, fluent syntax. Wrapper for use with Otto bus is also provided.

Instead of creating classes manually (where you have to take care not to leak anything)

new Callback<SuccessDTO>() {

    public void success(SuccessDTO s, Response response) {
        boolean stillSameSession = myCodeCheckingIfItIsStillSameSession();
        if(stillSameSession) {
            bus.post(new MyEvent());
            bus.post(new SuccessEvent());

    public void failure(RetrofitError error) {
        RestErrorWithMsg restErrorWithMsg = myCodeThatTriesToConvertRetrofitErrorToReasonCallFailed(error);
        bus.post(new LoginValidationFailedEvent(restErrorWithMsg));

you can use EventCallback like this:

               .onSuccess().postResponseEvents(new MyEvent(), new SuccessEvent()).validThisSessionOnly()
               .onError().postEvents(new LoginValidationFailedEvent()).validBetweenSessions()

How to use

Including dependency

Add to your build.gradle:

compile 'com.byoutline.ottoeventcallback:ottoeventcallback:1.3.2' // If you want to use it with Otto
compile 'com.byoutline.eventcallback:eventcallback:1.3.2' // If you want to use it without otto, or force different eventcallback version
Init common settings

In many cases you may want to use same config and error message for single endpoint. To specify your generic error class you must extend EventCallbackBuilder:

import com.byoutline.eventcallback.CallbackConfig;
import com.byoutline.eventcallback.EventCallbackBuilder;
import com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken;

public class MyEventCallback<S> extends EventCallbackBuilder<S, RestErrorWithMsg> {

    public static CallbackConfig config;

    private MyEventCallback() {
        super(MyEventCallback.config, new TypeToken<RestErrorWithMsg>() {});

    public static <S> MyEventCallback<S> builder() {
        return new MyEventCallback<>();

and init its default CallbackConfig in your Application onCreate method:

MyEventCallback.config = new CallbackConfig(BuildConfig.DEBUG, bus, sessionIdProvider);

Usually dependency injection is used to create bus instance and sessionIdProvider and inject them into Application:

public class App extends Application {
    public static final String App.INJECT_NAME_SESSION_ID = "INJECT_NAME_SESSION_ID";
    IBus bus;
    Provider<String> sessionIdProvider;
    // onCreate

in module file (Dagger/Dagger 2 example):

    public IBus provideBus() {
        return new PostFromAnyThreadBus();
    public String providesSessionId(LoginManager loginManager) {
        return loginManager.getUserIdSha();
Create callback where you need them
               .onSuccess().postResponseEvents(new MyEvent()).validBetweenSessions()
               .onError().postEvents(new LoginValidationFailedEvent()).validBetweenSessions()

Available bus wrappers

Depending on your application different Bus wrappers may be most suitable. If you use default Bus instance use OttoBus or PostFromAnyThreadBus. If you initiated bus elsewhare or you have your custom Bus implementation ..IBus classes may be better chocie.

If you use events mainly to update UI state PostFromAnyThread... classes will be more convenient.

Class name requires passing bus instance ensures that event is posted on android main thread
OttoBus No No
OttoIBus Yes No
PostFromAnyThreadBus No Yes
PostFromAnyThreadIBus Yes Yes

By default Otto uses ThreadEnforcer.MAIN which will crash if you try to post event from different thread. You can use PostFromAnyThreadBus and PostFromAnyThreadIBus without including rest of event callback by adding dependency:

compile 'com.byoutline.ottoeventcallback:anythreadbus:1.0.0'

validThisSessionOnly vs validBetweenSessions

validThisSessionOnly can prevent situation when event arrives when it is no longer needed/desired. For example if fetching some user data takes very long time and in the meantime he switches accounts, EventCallback can detect that and discard event. To do that you must setup session id provider in a way where it returns different values for different users. validBetweenSessions always delivers events and ignores session id value



