Project Group: com.capgemini.mrchecker

MrChecker - Test core - Module

com.capgemini.mrchecker : mrchecker-core-module

MrChecker Test Framework Core is responsible for: * Test report with logs and/or screenshots * Test groups/tags * Data Driven (inside test case, external file) * Test case parallel execution * BDD - Gherkin – Cucumber approach * Run on independent OperatingSystem * Externalize test environment (DEV, QA, PROD) * Adding analytics source code * Update Observers Based on Junit5

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com.capgemini.mrchecker : mrchecker-test-framework

MrChecker Test Framework is an automated testing framework for functional testing of web applications, native mobile apps, webservices and database.

Last Version: 3.3.4

Release Date:

MrChecker - CLI - Module

com.capgemini.mrchecker : mrchecker-cli-module

MrChecker CLI Module supports: * Running CLI applications on either Windows or Linux * Reading from the stdout and stderr streams * Writing to the stdin stream * Single run or interactive mode * The stdout stream is watched by a reader thread * The stderr may be optionally watched by a reader thread * Setting up env params

Last Version: 1.0.5

Release Date:

MrChecker - Database - Module

com.capgemini.mrchecker : mrchecker-database-module

MrChecker Database Module: - based on JPA interfaces, - structure build on ORM methodology, - supports all database engines with JDBC drivers. In case of driver leak at mvn repositories, please insert drivers file into 'lib/dbdrivers' directory. Examples build on Hibernate as a JPA provider. IMPORTANT: For easy of use Lombok library was used. In case of compilation issues please apply newest Lombok plugin for your IDE.

Last Version: 2.2.6

Release Date:

MrChecker - Mobile - Module

com.capgemini.mrchecker : mrchecker-mobile-module

MrChecker Test Framework name supports: Mobile application (Native, web, hybrid)

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MrChecker - Security - Module

com.capgemini.mrchecker : mrchecker-security-module

MrChecker Test Framework Security supports: - Library reference to make REST/HTTP calls to the tested system - Other common features needed for security testing

Last Version: 1.2.4

Release Date:

MrChecker - Selenium - Module

com.capgemini.mrchecker : mrchecker-selenium-module

MrChecker Test Framework Selenium supports: * Malleable resolution * Remote Web Design * Mobile browsers * Support for many browsers * Internet Explorer, Edge * Chrome, Firefox * ChromeHeadless * Safari * User friendly actions * elementCheckBox * elementDropdown, etc. * Ubiquise test execution * locally * against Selenium Grid through Jenkins * Page Object Model architecture * Selenium WebDriver with Java * Update Observers Based on Selenium 3.141.59

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MrChecker - WebApi - Module

com.capgemini.mrchecker : mrchecker-webapi-module

MrChecker WebApi supports: - testing REST and SOAP services, - sending REST queries (POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE), - parsing XML, JSON and HTML documents, - handling Cookies, - SSO (Single Sign-On) authentication process.

Last Version: 1.2.8

Release Date:

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