Bitbucket Cloud API
Java Library to acces the Bitbucket Cloud API.
Supported API Calls
- Get User
- Get Repositories
- Get Default Users
- Create Pull Request
This is the name chosen when you created your account. (It can be found in the Bitbucket Settings under Account Settings)
App Token
This is a token you need to generate in your Bitbucket Settings. Go to App Passwords (under Acces Management). You can create a new App Password. This will be used instead of your 2 Step Verification.
The best option to save your Username and App Token is to save them in your System Environment (for Mac You can use EnvPane or just set them with commandline.)
Get User
final Response<BitbucketUser> response = new Bitbucket(USERNAME, APP_TOKEN).getApi()
Get Repositories
final Response<PagedList<BitbucketRepository>> response = new Bitbucket(USERNAME, APP_TOKEN).getApi()
.getRepositories(user,PropertyCompare.eq("name", repoSlug))
Get Default Users
final Response<PagedList<BitbucketRepository>> response = new Bitbucket(USERNAME, APP_TOKEN).getApi()
.getDefaultReviewers(user, repoSlug)
Create Pull Request
Without reviewers:
final String title = "Title of your PR";
final String description = "Description of your PR";
final Destination source = new Destination("branch-name-you-want-to-merge");
final Destination destination = new Destination("branch-name-where-you-want-to-merge-to");
final PullRequest pullRequest = new PullRequest(title, description, source, destination, null);
final Response<PullRequest> response = mBitbucket.getApi()
.postPullRequest(user, repoSlug, pullRequest)
With reviewers (your own username may not be included):
final Response<PagedList<DefaultReviewer>> responseDefaultReviewers = mBitbucket.getApi()
.getDefaultReviewers(user, repoSlug)
final PagedList<DefaultReviewer> defaultReviewers = responseDefaultReviewers.body();
final List<DefaultReviewer> filteredList = defaultReviewers.getValues()
.filter(r -> !r.getUsername().equals(USERNAME))
final String title = "Title of your PR";
final String description = "Description of your PR";
final Destination source = new Destination("branch-name-you-want-to-merge");
final Destination destination = new Destination("branch-name-where-you-want-to-merge-to");
final PullRequest pullRequest = new PullRequest(title, description, source, destination, filteredList);
final Response<PullRequest> response = mBitbucket.getApi()
.postPullRequest(user, repoSlug, pullRequest)
With hardcoded reviewer:
final List<DefaultReviewer> reviewers = new ArrayList();
reviewers.add(new DefaultReviewer("username-of-the-reviewer"));
final String title = "Title of your PR";
final String description = "Description of your PR";
final Destination source = new Destination("branch-name-you-want-to-merge");
final Destination destination = new Destination("branch-name-where-you-want-to-merge-to");
final PullRequest pullRequest = new PullRequest(title, description, source, destination, reviewers);
final Response<PullRequest> response = mBitbucket.getApi()
.postPullRequest(user, repoSlug, pullRequest)