Project Group: com.componentcorp.xml.validation

Last Version: 0.9.4

Release Date:

XML Schema Association and Validation

com.componentcorp.xml.validation : jxvc

ISO/IEC 19757-11:2011 xml-model compliant validator, capable of identifying subordinate validation from xml-model processing instructions in an xml-document.

Last Version: 0.9.4

Release Date:

Java XML Validation Collection

com.componentcorp.xml.validation : jxvc-master

A collection of JAXP Validators and utility classes, including an uber validator which detects most types of validation and performs ISO/IEC 19757-11:2011 compliant xml-model validation. Especially note IntrinsicSchemaFactory which can be used to auto detect other SchemaFactories whilst validating a document. IntrinsicSchemaFactory supports xml-model schema association.

Last Version: 0.9.4

Release Date:

RelaxNG-XML Validator Service

com.componentcorp.xml.validation : relaxng

Very simple library which exposes the Jing RelaxNG XML syntax library as a java service.

Last Version: 0.9.4

Release Date:

Java XML Validation Collection Tests

com.componentcorp.xml.validation : jxvc-tests

Integration tests which make various subordinate validators available to the Intrinsic Validator.

Last Version: 0.9.4

Release Date:

RelaxNG-Compact Validator Service

com.componentcorp.xml.validation : relaxng-compact

Very simple library which exposes the Jing RelaxNG Compact syntax library as a java service.

Last Version: 0.9.4

Release Date:


com.componentcorp.xml.validation : test-helpers

A collection of JAXP Validators and utility classes, including an uber validator which detects most types of validation and performs ISO/IEC 19757-11:2011 compliant xml-model validation. Especially note IntrinsicSchemaFactory which can be used to auto detect other SchemaFactories whilst validating a document. IntrinsicSchemaFactory supports xml-model schema association.

Last Version: 0.9.4

Release Date:

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