Project Group: com.crawljax

Crawljax core

com.crawljax : crawljax-core

Crawling Ajax applications through dynamic analysis and reconstruction of the UI state changes. Crawljax is based on a method which dynamically builds a `state-flow graph' modeling the various navigation paths and states within an Ajax application.

Last Version: 4.1

Release Date:

Crawljax CLI

com.crawljax : crawljax-cli

The Crawljax command line interface

Last Version: 4.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 4.1

Release Date:

Crawljax parent POM

com.crawljax : crawljax-parent-pom

Crawling Ajax applications through dynamic analysis and reconstruction of the UI state changes. Crawljax is based on a method which dynamically builds a `state-flow graph' modeling the various navigation paths and states within an Ajax application.

Last Version: 4.1

Release Date:

Crawljax test utilities

com.crawljax : crawljax-test-utils

This artifact offers Crawljax plugin developers a convenient way to test their plugins by offering several default sites with known/expected output.

Last Version: 3.6

Release Date:

Crawljax web interface

com.crawljax : crawljax-web

Crawling Ajax applications through dynamic analysis and reconstruction of the UI state changes. Crawljax is based on a method which dynamically builds a `state-flow graph' modeling the various navigation paths and states within an Ajax application.

Last Version: 3.6

Release Date:


com.crawljax : crawljax

Crawling Ajax applications through dynamic analysis and reconstruction of the UI state changes. Crawljax is based on a method which dynamically builds a `state-flow graph' modeling the various navigation paths and states within an Ajax application.

Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:

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