
Geospatial clustering at massive scale



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Geospatial clustering at massive scale
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<!-- -->
implementation 'com.databricks.labs:geoscan:0.1'
implementation ("com.databricks.labs:geoscan:0.1")
<dependency org="com.databricks.labs" name="geoscan" rev="0.1">
  <artifact name="geoscan" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='com.databricks.labs', module='geoscan', version='0.1')
libraryDependencies += "com.databricks.labs" % "geoscan" % "0.1"
[com.databricks.labs/geoscan "0.1"]


compile (2)

Group / Artifact Type Version
com.uber : h3 jar 3.6.3
org.scala-graph : graph-core_2.12 jar 1.12.5

provided (6)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.scala-lang : scala-library jar 2.12.8
org.scala-lang : scala-reflect jar 2.12.8
org.apache.spark : spark-core_2.12 jar 3.0.0
org.apache.spark : spark-sql_2.12 jar 3.0.0
org.apache.spark : spark-graphx_2.12 jar 3.0.0
org.apache.spark : spark-mllib_2.12 jar 3.0.0

test (2)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.scalatest : scalatest_2.12 jar 3.1.1
junit : junit jar 4.12

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There are no modules declared in this project.



DBSCAN (density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise) is a clustering technique used to group points that are closely packed together. Compared to other clustering methodologies, it doesn't require you to indicate the number of clusters beforehand, can detect clusters of varying shapes and sizes and is strong at finding outliers that don't belong to any cluster, hence a great candidate for geospatial analysis of card transactions and fraud detection. This, however, comes with a serious price tag: DBSCAN requires all points to be compared to every other points in order to find dense neighborhoods where at least minPts points can be found within a epsilon radius.

Here comes GEOSCAN, our novel approach to DBSCAN algorithm for geospatial clustering, leveraging uber H3 library to only group points we know are in close vicinity (according to H3 precision) and relying on GraphX to detect dense areas at massive scale. With such a framework, Financial services institutions can better understand user shopping behaviours and detect anomalous transactions in real time.


There are 2 modes our framework can be executed, distributed and pseudo-distributed.


Working fully distributed, we retrieve clusters from an entire dataframe using the Spark Estimator interface, hence fully compliant with the Spark Pipeline framework (model can be serialized / deserialized). In this mode, the core of GEOSCAN algorithm relies on GraphX to detect points having distance < epsilon and a degree > minPoints. See the next section for an explanation of our algorithm.


from geoscan import Geoscan

geoscan = Geoscan() \
    .setLatitudeCol("latitude") \
    .setLongitudeCol("longitude") \
    .setPredictionCol("cluster") \
    .setEpsilon(100) \

model =
parameter description default
epsilon the minimum distance in meters between 2 points 50
minPts the minimum number of neighbours within epsilon 3
latitudeCol the latitude column latitude
longitudeCol the longitude column longitude
predictionCol the resulted prediction column predicted

As the core of GEOSCAN logic relies on the use of H3 polygons, it becomes natural to leverage the same for model inference instead of bringing in extra GIS dependencies for expensive point in polygons queries. Our model consists in clusters tiled with hexagons of a given resolution (driven by the epsilon parameter) that can easily be joined to our original dataframe. Model inference is fully supported as per the Estimator interface


Note that when saving model to distributed file system, we converted our shapes into GeoJson RFC 7946 format so that clusters could be loaded as-is into GIS databases or any downstream application or libraries.

from geoscan import GeoscanModel'/tmp/geoscan_model/distributed')
model = GeoscanModel.load('/tmp/geoscan_model/distributed')

Model can always be returned as a GeoJson object direclty


Finally, it may be useful to extract clusters as a series of H3 tiles that could be used outside of a spark environmnent or outside of GEOSCAN library. We expose a getTiles method that fills all our polygons with H3 tiles of a given dimension, allowing shapes to spill over additional layers should we want to also "capture" neighbours points.

model.getTiles(precision, additional_layers)

This process can be summarized with below picture. Note that although a higher granularity would fit a polygon better, the number of tiles it generates will grow exponentially.


Pseudo Distributed

It is fairly common to extract personalized clusters (e.g. for each user), and doing so sequentially would be terribly inefficient. For that purpose, we extended our GEOSCAN class to support RelationalGroupedDataset and train multiple models in parallel, one for each group attribute. Although the implementation is different (using in-memory scalax.collection.Graph instead of distributed GraphX), the core logic remains the same as explained in the next section and should yield the same clusters given a same user.


One must provide a new parameter groupedCol to indicate our framework how to group dataframe and train multiple models in parallel.

from geoscan import GeoscanPersonalized

geoscan = Geoscan() \
    .setLatitudeCol("latitude") \
    .setLongitudeCol("longitude") \
    .setPredictionCol("cluster") \
    .setGroupedCol("user") \
    .setEpsilon(100) \

model =

Note that the output signature differs from the distributed approach since we cannot return a single model but a collection of GEOJSON objects

|                user|             cluster|

Note that standard transform and getTiles methods also apply in that mode. By tracking how tiles change overtime, this framework can be used to detect user changing behaviour as represented in below animation.



In this section, we explain the core logic of our algorithm, and how using H3 helps us beat time complexity of standard DBSCAN model. There are typically 3 stages in running a DBSCAN model.

Step1: Grouping

The first step is to link each point to all its neighbours within an epsilon distance and remove points having less than minPts neighbours. Concretely, this means running a cartesian product (O(n^2) time complexity) of our dataset to filter out tuples that are more than epsilon meters away from one another. In our approach, we leverage H3 hexagons to only group points we know are close enough to be worth comparing. As reported in below picture, we first map a point to an H3 polygon and draw a circle of radius epsilon that we tile to at least 1 complete ring. Therefore, 2 points being at a distance of epsilon away would be sharing at least 1 polygon in common, so grouping by polygon would group points in close vicinity, ignoring 99.99% of the dataset. These pairs can then be further measured using a haversine distance.


Even though the theoretical time complexity remains the same (O(n^2)), we did not have to run an expensive (and non realistic) cartesian product of our entire dataframe. The real time complexity is O(p.k^2) where p groups are processed in parallel, running cartesian product of k points (k << n) sharing a same H3 hexagon, hence scaling massively. This isn't magic though, and prone to failure when data is heavily skewed to dense area, so understand your data is key before running this job as-is. With heavy skewed, it would be recommended to sample the data for specific polygons. Furthermore, we first had to explode our dataset X-fold to cover points against multiple polygons, but an extra complexity upfront makes the grouping much faster.

Step2: Clustering

The second step is trivial when using a graph paradigm. As we found the pairs being no more than epsilon meters away, we simply remove vertices with less than minPts connections (degrees < minPts). By removing these border nodes, clusters start to form and can be retrieved via a connectedComponents.

val clusters = graph
  .outerJoinVertices(graph.degrees)((_, point, deg) => (point, deg.getOrElse(0)))
    edge => edge.dstAttr.distance(edge.srcAttr) < epsilon, 
    (vId, vData) => vData._2 >= minPts)

Step3: Convex Hulls

As all our core points are defining our clusters, the final step is to find the Convex Hull, that is the smallest shape that include all of our points. There are plenty of litterature on that topic, and our approach can easily be used in memory for each cluster returned by our connected components. Note that - as much as we do want to support non convex hull - we could not find a method / library to identify concave shapes efficiently. We do welcome contribution though.


Compile GEOSCAN scala library that can be uploaded onto a Databricks cluster (DBR > 7.x). Activate shaded profile to include GEOSCAN dependencies as an assembly jar and unit test python wrapper

mvn clean package -Pshaded

Alternatively (preferred), install dependency from maven central


For python wrapper, install the dependencies locally using the magic %pip command. Longer term, this wrapper will be available as a pypi dependency.

%pip install git+


We only use 2 external dependencies in addition to the standard Spark stack. As mentioned, H3 is used extensively to group latitude and longitude in order to beat the O(n2) complexity. scala-graph is used in our pseudo distributed mode when training in-memory clusters (in lieu of GraphX).



Release process

Once a change is approved, peer reviewed and merged back to master branch, a GEOSCAN admin will be able to promote a new version to maven central as follows (provided tests validated by our CI/CD pipeline).

mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform

Project support

Please note that all projects in the /databrickslabs github account are provided for your exploration only, and are not formally supported by Databricks with Service Level Agreements (SLAs). They are provided AS-IS and we do not make any guarantees of any kind. Please do not submit a support ticket relating to any issues arising from the use of these projects.

Any issues discovered through the use of this project should be filed as GitHub Issues on the Repo. They will be reviewed as time permits, but there are no formal SLAs for support.


[email protected]


Databricks Labs

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