DataStax junitpytest - plugin for Gradle





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DataStax junitpytest - plugin for Gradle
DataStax junitpytest - plugin for Gradle
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Download com.datastax.junitpytest.gradle.plugin

How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'com.datastax.junitpytest:com.datastax.junitpytest.gradle.plugin:0.1'
implementation ("com.datastax.junitpytest:com.datastax.junitpytest.gradle.plugin:0.1")
<dependency org="com.datastax.junitpytest" name="com.datastax.junitpytest.gradle.plugin" rev="0.1">
  <artifact name="com.datastax.junitpytest.gradle.plugin" type="pom" />
@Grab(group='com.datastax.junitpytest', module='com.datastax.junitpytest.gradle.plugin', version='0.1')
libraryDependencies += "com.datastax.junitpytest" % "com.datastax.junitpytest.gradle.plugin" % "0.1"
[com.datastax.junitpytest/com.datastax.junitpytest.gradle.plugin "0.1"]


compile (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
com.datastax.junitpytest : pytest-gradle-plugin jar 0.1

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

JUnit5 plugin to run pytest via Gradle

Allows running pytest from Gradle, either locally or via Gradle Enterprise's Distributed Testing.

How to use it


import com.datastax.junitpytest.gradleplugin.Pytest

plugins {
    id("com.datastax.junitpytest") version "0.1-SNAPSHOT"

repositories {

pytest { // Extension type: com.datastax.junitpytest.gradleplugin.PytestExtension

dependencies {

tasks.named<Pytest>("pytest") {  // Note: Pytest extends Test
    pytestOptions = listOf("--some-option-passed-to-pytest",

    // Gradle Enterprise distributed testing
    distribution {

PytestExtension registered as pytest

Common properties of the PytestExtension extension:

  • junitPlatformVersion (Property<String>): the JUnit platform version, defaults to 1.6.2, for running pytests
  • junitJupiterVersion (Property<String>): the JUnit Jupiter version, defaults to 5.6.2, for running pytests
  • pytestDirectorySet (SourceDirectorySet): users must specify exactly one srcDir, default excludes: logs, venv, .git, .idea, **/__pycache__, **/.*.swp, .pytest_cache
  • requirementsSource (RegularFileProperty): location of the requirements.txt file to use, defaults to requirements.txt in pytestDirectorySet

The plugin registers a pytest (type: com.datastax.junitpytest.gradleplugin.Pytest) task. Options for pytest can be specified using Pytest.pytestOptions (ListProperty<String>).

If you want to have an additional pytest-task using different pytest-options, use com.datastax.junitpytest.gradleplugin.PytestExtension.createTasks(baseName: String) to register another Pytest task. Tasks will be named using camel case with the baseName appended to pytest. For example, createTasks("other") will create the pytestOther task.

Using editable requirements

So called "editable requirements" (i.e. those installed via pip install --editable) can be handled specially using GitSource and LocalSource tasks, which can be registered in the pytest Gradle extension using the sourceRequirementsTasks property (type: ListProperty<TaskProvider<out RepoSource>>). Note that the LocalSource task extends Gradle's built-in Sync task.

The local Gradle daemon pulls the latest HEAD from git (if using GitSource) and syncs the locally available source (if using a LocalSource).

It's recommended to have a requirements-file that only contains the "released" requirements (non-source requirements) and rebgister this in the pytest Gradle extension using the requirementsSource property (type: RegularFileProperty) and use GitSource/LocalSource for source-requirements. Otherwise, each Gradle distributed test agent will pull the requirements themselves. In other words: GitSource/LocalSource make the source requirements available to all Gradle distributed test-agents.

GitSource task

Necessary properties:

  • repository: Property<String> Specifiy the git repository URL (as it appears in a requirements.txt file)
  • eggName: Property<String> Specify the name of the pip "egg" as it appears in a requirements.txt file
  • branch: Property<String> Specify the git branch, tag or git SHA

LocalSource task

Necessary properties:

  • repository: Property<String> The source as it appears in a requirements.txt file
  • eggName: Property<String> Specify the name of the pip "egg" as it appears in a requirements.txt file
  • sourceDirectory: DirectoryProperty Specify the directory containing the source of the requirement

How it works

  1. Create a Python virtual environment (Gradle task com.datastax.junitpytest.gradleplugin.PytestCreateVirtualenv)
  2. Test discovery (Gradle task com.datastax.junitpytest.gradleplugin.PytestDiscovery)
    1. Use pytest + junit-pytest-plugin to collect all test classes and test cases
    2. Map the Python module + class + test-method names into Java namespace
    3. Generate Java class files (methods are empty)
  3. Test execution (Gradle task com.datastax.junitpytest.gradleplugin.Pytest)
    1. Use a custom org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.Test based task to run the tests using the pytest-junit-engine

Internal tasks

The plugin creates two more types of internal tasks, which should not be referenced/used/configured by a user:

  • A PytestDiscovery task for each Pytest task to run test discovery via pytest only when the Python sources changed.
  • A PytestCreateVirtualenv task for the project to setup the virtual environment (if necessary), install the junit-pytest-plugin + dependencies from requirements.txt and to create the "frozen" list of dependencies using pip freeze.

Gradle Enterprise Distributed Testing

Gradle Enterprise (as of version 2020.2) Distributed Testing requires JUnit 5 to run tests and tests must be self-contained.

Since Python setups (think: virtual environments) are machine dependent, no actual Python installation is passed around. Instead, the Gradle tasks create a virtual environment on the machine running the Gradle daemon, install the necessary requirements (pip install -r requirements.txt), collect the installed dependencies (pip freeze) and install the "frozen requirements" on the test agents.

This approach ensures that the test agents use the same dependencies as the machine that started the build. However, it may not ensure that no other dependencies, that are not mentioned via requirements.txt, are installed on the test agents.

Modules (sub-projects)

  • :pytest-gradle-plugin the Gradle plugin to wire an extension and some tasks to run Python test via Gradle (published as a maven-publication)
  • :pytest-junit-engine the JUnit engine that can run Python tests (published as a maven-publication)
  • :junit-pytest-plugin the pytest plugin to emit test events to the :pytest-junit-engine (not published, included in the Gradle plugin and junit-engine)
  • :common some Java classes used by :pytest-gradle-plugin and :pytest-junit-engine (not published, included in the Gradle plugin and junit-engine)

Build requirements

  • Recent Linux or OSX
  • Java 8 or newer (Java 11 is fine)
  • Python >= 3.6 (with python3 and pip3 and virtualenv in PATH environment)

Background information


The pytest-junit-engine requires some configuration options. From Gradle, those are passed using system properties.

  • pytest.venv The directory for the Python virtual environment
  • pytest.frozenRequirements File containing the output of pip freeze
  • pytest.pytestOutputs Directory receiving additional output files from Python tests added via junitpytest.gradle.register_outputs(files_or_dirs)
  • pytest.cwd Current working directory when executing pytest
  • pytest.exec.virtualenv Comma separated list of executable file names (looked up via PATH)
  • pytest.exec.python Comma separated list of executable file names (looked up via PATH)
  • pytest.keepOutputForPassed When set to true, keep the output even for tests that passed.
  • pytest.debug When set to true, enables additional debug output
  • pytest.option.<N> Additional command line options for pytest. <N> starts with 0, so the first argument is pytest.option.0, the second pytest.option.1, etc.
  • pytest.env.<N> Additional environment variables for pytest. Values are in the form VAR=VALUE <N> starts with 0, so the first argument is pytest.env.0, the second pytest.env.1, etc.
  • pytest.pip.option.<N> Additional command line options for pip. <N> starts with 0, so the first argument is pytest.pip.option.0, the second pytest.pip.option.1, etc.
  • pytest.pip.env.<N> Additional environment variables for pip. Values are in the form VAR=VALUE <N> starts with 0, so the first argument is pytest.pip.env.0, the second pytest.pip.env.1, etc.
  • pytest.source.<N> Additional requirements to be installed using pip install --source. Values are in the form repository=relative-path. repository is the value of the property of the GitSource/LocalSource tasks. <N> starts with 0, so the first argument is pytest.source.0, the second pytest.source.1, etc.

License and Copyright

Copyright DataStax, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


