Process Manager for Eclipse Vert.x







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Process Manager for Eclipse Vert.x
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How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation 'com.diabolicallabs:vertx-process-manager:0.8'
implementation ("com.diabolicallabs:vertx-process-manager:0.8")
<dependency org="com.diabolicallabs" name="vertx-process-manager" rev="0.8">
  <artifact name="vertx-process-manager" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='com.diabolicallabs', module='vertx-process-manager', version='0.8')
libraryDependencies += "com.diabolicallabs" % "vertx-process-manager" % "0.8"
[com.diabolicallabs/vertx-process-manager "0.8"]


compile (37)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.codehaus.jettison : jettison jar 1.3.8
io.vertx : vertx-core jar 3.3.2
io.vertx : vertx-lang-js jar 3.3.2
io.vertx : vertx-lang-groovy jar 3.3.2
io.vertx : vertx-lang-ruby jar 3.3.2
io.vertx : vertx-lang-ceylon jar 3.3.2
io.vertx : vertx-rx-java jar 3.3.2
io.vertx : vertx-codegen jar 3.3.2
io.vertx : vertx-service-proxy jar 3.3.2
io.vertx : vertx-service-factory jar 3.3.2
io.vertx : vertx-unit jar 3.3.2
io.vertx : vertx-hazelcast jar 3.3.2
org.kie : kie-api jar 6.4.0.Final
org.kie : kie-internal jar 6.4.0.Final
org.drools : drools-core jar 6.4.0.Final
org.drools : drools-compiler jar 6.4.0.Final
org.drools : drools-persistence-jpa jar 6.4.0.Final
org.jbpm : jbpm-flow jar 6.4.0.Final
org.jbpm : jbpm-flow-builder jar 6.4.0.Final
org.jbpm : jbpm-bpmn2 jar 6.4.0.Final
org.jbpm : jbpm-audit jar 6.4.0.Final
org.jbpm : jbpm-persistence-jpa jar 6.4.0.Final
org.jbpm : jbpm-human-task-core jar 6.4.0.Final
org.jbpm : jbpm-human-task-jpa jar 6.4.0.Final
org.jbpm : jbpm-human-task-workitems jar 6.4.0.Final
org.jbpm : jbpm-human-task-audit jar 6.4.0.Final
org.jbpm : jbpm-runtime-manager jar 6.4.0.Final
org.jbpm : jbpm-services-api jar 6.4.0.Final
org.jbpm : jbpm-kie-services jar 6.4.0.Final
org.jbpm : jbpm-workitems jar 6.4.0.Final
org.hibernate : hibernate-entitymanager jar 4.2.0.Final
org.hibernate : hibernate-core jar 4.2.0.Final
com.h2database : h2 jar 1.3.161
org.codehaus.btm : btm jar 2.1.4
org.javassist : javassist jar 3.20.0-GA
ch.qos.logback : logback-classic jar 1.0.9
org.slf4j : slf4j-api jar 1.7.5

test (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
junit : junit jar 4.12

Project Modules

There are no modules declared in this project.

BPM and Business Rules for Eclipse Vert.x

This module allows you to execute BPMN processes and business rules written for JBoss BPMS/jBPM and JBoss BRMS/Drools. No external server is required. The runtime engine needed to execute the rules and processes is embedded.

Many process and business rule applications can be deployed to a Vert.x cluster. Each application can have many knowledge bases and process sessions. The knowledge bases and sessions have unique addresses on the Event Bus. Because of this, the knowledge bases and sessions can be on any Vert.x node and will communicate with each other leading to a highly scalable application.

###Languages Supported

  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Groovy
  • Ruby
  • Ceylon

Tested with Eclipse Vert.x 3.3.2


Maven Dependency


Recent Changes

Nothing yet

Future Plans

  • Use our Vert.x async implementation of the Human Task Manager
  • Provide persistence using Vert.x async database support rather than JPA/Hibernate


  "db_directory": <string>

If the embedded H2 data base is used, the location mentioned by db_directory will be used to store the databse. If not specified, /tmp/data/bpmdb will be used for the directory.

If an external database is used like Postgresql or MariaDB, this will be ignored.

Configuration Example

  "db_directory": "/var/lib/bpmdb/"

This will cause the process and session state to be stored in a databse at: /var/lib/bpmdb



This is the starting point for creating a process/rules application. It will give the caller a proxy for the KnowledgeFactory that will be unique to an application.



The Knowledge service is returned by the KnowledgeService Factory and should be unique to a particular application. This is where you add your process and rule assets that make up the knowledge base. Once that is done, you can get instances of the ProcessService, TaskService and RuleService.


This service is created by the KnowledgeService and is used to start and interact with processes.


When a process is started or created with the ProcessService, it will return an instance of the ProcessInstanceService. It provides a way to interact with a particular process instance.


This service is created by the KnowledgeService and is used to interact with User Tasks, also called human tasks.

It is associated with a message bus address that is unique to the KnowledgeService instance. You can get that address by calling KnowledgeService.getTaskServiceAddress(). If you consume that address, you will get a message every time a user task changes state. This is how you can become aware that a new user task exists. The message will include a reference to the user task so that you can interact with it with the TaskService.

The is the service used to do things like claim or complete a user task for a particular user.


This service is created by the KnowledgeService and is used to execute business rules and gather the results.

Example in RxJava

//Create a KnowledgeServiceFactory on the default vert.x address
KnowledgeServiceFactory knowledgeServiceFactory = KnowledgeServiceFactory.createProxy(rxVertx, com.diabolicallabs.process.manager.service.KnowledgeServiceFactory.DEFAULT_ADDRESS);

//Create an Observable over the factory
  //Get a unique instance of the KnowledgeService for use in this process application
  //Add two processes to the knowledge base
  .flatMap(service -> {
    return service.addClassPathResourceObservable("org.jbpm.KieServerClientTest.v1.0.bpmn2")
      .flatMap(nothing -> {
        return service.addClassPathResourceObservable("org.jbpm.KieServerClientSubprocessTest.v1.0.bpmn2");
      .flatMap(nothing -> {
        return service.getProcessServiceObservable();
  //Create a JSON object to prime the process with some variable values and then start the processes
  .flatMap(service -> {
    JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
    json.put("display", "Goats")
      .put("doHuman", false)
      .put("doTimer", false)
      .put("doSignal", false)
      .put("doSubprocess", true);
    return service.startProcessWithVariablesObservable("VertxKieServerClientTest.KieServerClientTest", json);
  //Wait a bit for the process to complete
  .delay(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
  //Check the state of the process and see if it's complete
  .map(state -> state.equals(ProcessState.COMPLETED))

