
The core functionalities of an uptimeRobot like supervisor







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The core functionalities of an uptimeRobot like supervisor
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<!-- -->
implementation 'com.fathzer:sites-supervisor-core:0.0.7'
implementation ("com.fathzer:sites-supervisor-core:0.0.7")
<dependency org="com.fathzer" name="sites-supervisor-core" rev="0.0.7">
  <artifact name="sites-supervisor-core" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='com.fathzer', module='sites-supervisor-core', version='0.0.7')
libraryDependencies += "com.fathzer" % "sites-supervisor-core" % "0.0.7"
[com.fathzer/sites-supervisor-core "0.0.7"]


compile (7)

Group / Artifact Type Version
org.slf4j : slf4j-api jar 1.7.28
com.fasterxml.jackson.core : jackson-databind jar
org.projectlombok : lombok jar 1.18.12
commons-cli : commons-cli jar 1.4
org.influxdb : influxdb-java jar 2.15
javax.mail : javax.mail-api jar 1.5.4
org.apache.httpcomponents : httpclient jar 4.5.10

runtime (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
com.sun.mail : javax.mail jar 1.5.4

test (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version
junit : junit jar 4.13.1

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The core functionalities of an uptimeRobot like application supervisor.
It allows you to test a bunch of applications, be informed of the failures and store the history of test results in order to easily create dashboards.

Table of contents

  1. Requirements and installation
  2. Main concepts
  3. Configuration
    1. Global configuration
    2. Supervised application configuration
  4. Components documentation
    1. com.fathzer.sitessupervisor.db.Influx
    2. com.fathzer.sitessupervisor.alerter.LogAlerter
    3. com.fathzer.sitessupervisor.alerter.EMailAlerter
    4. com.fathzer.sitessupervisor.alerter.TeamsAlerter
    5. com.fathzer.sitessupervisor.tester.BasicHttpTester
    6. com.fathzer.sites.supervisor.SupervisorCommand
  5. Writing your own database connectors, testers and alerters
  6. Logging

Requirements and installation

This library requires Java 8+.

It is released as a Maven artifact. Add this to your pom.


Main concepts

Basically, an application supervisor is composed of 4 kinds of components:

  • Testers send requests to sites and test whether the reply is ok or ko.
  • Optionally, Alerters send alerts to site's administrator when the site's status changes from ok to ko, or ko to ok.
  • Optionally, a Database stores the tests results and allows a visualization application to query the sites status history.
  • A SuperVisor that manages the other components. It schedules the tests, stores the results in a database and triggers alerters.

This library includes the following implementation of these concepts:

This package also provides com.fathzer.sitessupervisor.parsing.JSONParser that allows you to parse configuration files in JSON format, and com.fathzer.sitessupervisor.SupervisorCommand, a runnable class that parses JSON configuration files, then instantiate and run a Supervisor.


The configuration of a supervisor is divided in two parts:

  • A static one, defined at supervisor creation, that contains database, testers and alerters global configuration.
  • A dynamic one, that can be changed during Supervisor life time, that contains informations related to the supervised applications. This allows you to add/modify/remove application from supervision without restarting it.

Global configuration

Here is a configuration example:

		"mail" : {
				"user":"[email protected]",
				"from":"[email protected]"
	"testers": {
		"http200" :	{

The important things to understand are:

  • All the components are identified by their class name.
  • All the components have a parameters attribute that contains the configuration of the component. The exact content of this attribute (and its obligatory presence) depends on the component (see component documentation).
  • alerters and testers have unique names (here mail and http200) that will be used to identified them in supervised application configuration configuration file.

Supervised application configuration

Here is a configuration example:

			"tester": {
				"parameters": {
					"headers": {
						"apikey":"My cool api key"
						"to": ["[email protected]"]

The important things to understand are:

  • Services (application) are identified by their URL. Two services can't share the same URL.
  • app, env, frequencyMinutes and timeOutSeconds attributes are optional.
    • app and env are tags that identifies the application and its environment (production, acceptance, ...).
    • frequencyMinutes sets the test frequency. Default value is 5 minutes.
    • timeOutSeconds is the maximum time allowed to the test to reply. If no reply is obtained in the specified time, service is considered down. Default value is 30s.
  • A service should have a tester attribute and can have no alerters. Alerters and tester and identified by the name declared in global configuration.
  • All the components have a parameters attribute that contains the configuration of the component for the service. The exact content of this attribute (and its obligatory presence) depends on the component (see component documentation).

Components documentation


Here are the parameters (all are optional):

  • host: The host name of the database. Default is
  • port: The port of the database. Default is 8086.
  • database: The name of the database. Default is 'sites-supervisor'. Please note that if the database does not exist it will be automatically created with a 30 days retention policy and no replication (replication factor = 1). If you want other settings, you should create the database before.
  • user: The user used to access to the database. This user should have the write rights. If no user is specified, default user is used.
  • password: The user's password.

The data is stored in 2 series:

  • responseTime that contains one measurement point per test with the following tags and fields:
    • tags url, app, env that contain the values specified in the application configuration.
    • field success that contains 1 if the test succeeded, 0 if it failed.
    • field responseTime that contains the responseTime (0 if the test fails).
    • field message that contains the failure cause if the test failed.
  • events that contains the status changes (up to down and down to up) with the following tags and fields:
    • tags url, app, env that contain the values specified in the application configuration.
    • field up that contains 1 if the new application status is up, 0 if it is down.
    • field message that contains the failure cause if the new status is down.


The most basic alerter ever ;-)
It simply logs the alerts in the program logs using the com.fathzer.sitesuspervisor.alerter.LogAlerter logger.
The service down event is logged with warn level, and with info level when it become up again.
It accepts no global nor application parameter.


As its name lets suppose, this alerter sends email to addresses to inform of status changes. Here are the global parameters:

  • host: The host name of a smtp server.
  • port: The port of the smtp server. This attribute is optional, default is 25 if secured is not specified or set to false, 587 if secured is true.
  • secured: Sets SSL connection to smtp server. This attribute is optional. Default is false unless port is specified and set to 587.
  • user: The user of the smtp server (optional).
  • password: The user's password on the smtp server (mandatory if user is specified).
  • from: The email address used to send the mails.

The global configuration shows how to configure this alerter to use GMail smtp server.

The only attribute of the application configuration parameters is to that contains the list of the recipients of emails.


This alerter posts message in a Microsoft Teams team channel to inform of status changes. Here are the global parameters:

  • proxy: The address of the proxy to use to access Internet (optional). The format is host:port (example
  • noProxy: A list of host name suffixes (optional). For example, if the suffix is in the list, '' will be accessed without proxy.

The attributes of the application configuration parameters are:

  • hook that contains the URL of a Teams incoming web hook. Please see Teams documentations to known how to create an incoming web hook for your Team.


This tester sends http request to the specified URL and considers the result is ok if it gets a 200 status code. Here are the global parameters:

  • proxy: The address of the proxy to use to access Internet (optional). The format is host:port (example
  • noProxy: A list of host name suffixes (optional). For example, if the suffix is in the list, '' will be accessed without proxy.

Here are the application specific parameters:

  • headers: A map of headers to add to the http request. Keys are the headers name, value are the headers value. See Supervised application configuration to have an example.
  • useProxy: Sets the proxy usage (optional). This settings overrides the global one. This means if the url matches one of the excluded suffixes declared in the global configuration, but this attribute is true, the proxy will be used. Same thing if set to false and url not matches any suffix.
  • sslCheck: Sets the ssl verification (optional). Set this to false to deactivate ssl verification on https uri. As it is clearly a security home, this is not recommended, but it can save hours if you want to test URL with untrusted certificate.

Please note this class can be easily subclassed to change its behavior. The verify method can be overridden to accept more parameters and buildRequest and isValid methods can then have other behavior (let say, use POST instead of GET and accept 201 instead of 200).


The supervisor command class allows you to launch a supervisor using the command line. Simply launch this class (java com.fathzer.sitessupervisor.SupervisorCommand) to display help.

Please note that once launched, this class listens to the application file configuration changes and reloads it every time it changes.
Please note if the file can't be parsed, changes are ignored. Nevertheless, it's safer to make a backup of the configuration file before modifying it.

Writing your own database connectors, testers and alerters

Supervisor uses a plugin architecture. You can define your own components to store the result in another database, alert through SMS, Slack, etc and tests other protocols than http.

Testers should extends the com.fathzer.sitessupervisor.tester.Tester class.
Alerters should extends the com.fathzer.sitessupervisor.alerter.Alerter class.
Database connectors should extends the com.fathzer.sitessupervisor.db.DB class.

Note that the instances of these classes are unique and should be thread safe.
They should have a constructor accepting a Map<String, Object> argument. The verify method of alerters and testers returns an object that should implement an equals method that guarantees two objects created with equivalent parameters will be equals (This guarantees that only application changed are impacted when configuration file changes).

The best documentation is ... to have a look at the implemented class and their super class ;-)


This package uses slf4j facade for logging. You are free to use the implementation you want, for instance logback classic.

