Project Group: com.giffing.wicket.spring.boot.starter

Wicket Spring Boot Starter

com.giffing.wicket.spring.boot.starter : wicket-spring-boot-starter

Enables and configures Apache Wicket from within a Spring Boot Application. Used **only** in combination with Spring Boot.

Last Version: 3.1.6

Release Date:


com.giffing.wicket.spring.boot.starter : wicket-spring-boot-context

Provides several constructs which allow developers to build custom auto-configuration classes.

Last Version: 3.1.6

Release Date:

Wicket Spring Boot Starter Parent

com.giffing.wicket.spring.boot.starter : wicket-spring-boot-starter-parent

This project (should) makes it easy to create Wicket projects with a minimum of configuration effort. Is uses Spring Boot to autoconfigure Wickets core and extension with an reasonable default value which can be overridden over property files. This parent project holds default configuration for the underlying sub modules

Last Version: 3.1.6

Release Date:

Spring boot starter example

com.giffing.wicket.spring.boot.starter : wicket-spring-boot-starter-example

An example project which uses the wicket-spring-boot-starter autoconfiguration project

Last Version: 2.1.9

Release Date:

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