Fair search DELTR for Java
This is the Java library that implements the DELTR model for fair ranking.
You can import the library with maven in your pom.xml
or, if you are using Gradle, in your build.gradle
file add this in the dependencies
compile "com.github.fair-search:fairsearch-deltr:1.0.2"
And, that's it!
Using it in your code
Add the JAR file to the build path of your project and you are set. The key methods are contained in the following class:
The library contains sufficient Java doc for each of the functions.
Sample usage
Train and test a model:
Train a model
You need to train the model before it can rank documents.
package com.github.fairsearch.deltr;
import com.github.fairsearch.deltr.Deltr;
import com.github.fairsearch.deltr.models.DeltrDoc;
import com.github.fairsearch.deltr.models.DeltrDocImpl;
import com.github.fairsearch.deltr.models.DeltrTopDocs;
import com.github.fairsearch.deltr.models.DeltrTopDocsImpl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create some data
List<DeltrTopDocs> trainSet = new ArrayList<>();
// create the first "query" to learn
DeltrTopDocs trainQuery = new DeltrTopDocsImpl(1); // 1 is the question ID
// let's create each train doc manually (docId, judgement/score)
// item 1
DeltrDoc item1 = new DeltrDocImpl(1, 1);
// add the features to the document (featureName, featureValue, isProtected - since this is a protected feature)
item1.put("f0", true);
// add the features to the document (featureName, featureValue)
item1.put("f1", 0.962650646167003);
// item 2
DeltrDoc item2 = new DeltrDocImpl(2, 0.98f);
item2.put("f0", false);
item2.put("f1", 0.940172822166108);
// item 3
DeltrDoc item3 = new DeltrDocImpl(3, 0.96f);
item3.put("f0", false);
item3.put("f1", 0.925288002880488);
// item 4
DeltrDoc item4 = new DeltrDocImpl(2, 0.94f);
item4.put("f0", true);
item4.put("f1", 0.896143226020877);
// item 5
DeltrDoc item5 = new DeltrDocImpl(3, 0.92f);
item5.put("f0", false);
item5.put("f1", 0.89180775633204);
// item 6
DeltrDoc item6 = new DeltrDocImpl(3, 0.9f);
item6.put("f0", false);
item6.put("f1", 0.838704766545679);
// add the items in the trainQuery
DeltrDoc[] docsArr = new DeltrDoc[]{item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6};
// the trainQuery to the trainSet
// setup the parameters for the DELTR object
double gamma = 1.0; // value of the gamma paramete
int numberOfIterations = 10000; // number of iterations the training should run
boolean shouldStandardize = true; // let's apply standardization to the features
// create the Deltr object
Deltr deltr = new Deltr(gamma, numberOfIterations, shouldStandardize);
// train the model
// deltr.getOmega() -> [0.025225676596164703, 0.0798153206706047]
Use the model to rank
Now, you can use the obtained model to rank some data.
// let's create a sample prediction set
DeltrTopDocs preidictionSet = new DeltrTopDocsImpl(2); // 2 is the question ID
// let's create each prediction doc manually (docId, judgement/score)
// item 7
DeltrDoc item7 = new DeltrDocImpl(7, 0.9645f); // the current score is not really important
item7.put("f0", false);
item7.put("f1", 0.9645);
// item 8
DeltrDoc item8 = new DeltrDocImpl(8, 0.9524f);
item8.put("f0", false);
item8.put("f1", 0.9524);
// item 9
DeltrDoc item9 = new DeltrDocImpl(9, 0.9285f);
item9.put("f0", false);
item9.put("f1", 0.9285);
// item 10
DeltrDoc item10 = new DeltrDocImpl(10, 0.8961f);
item10.put("f0", false);
item10.put("f1", 0.8961);
// item 11
DeltrDoc item11 = new DeltrDocImpl(11, 0.8911f);
item11.put("f0", true);
item11.put("f1", 0.8911);
// item 12
DeltrDoc item12 = new DeltrDocImpl(12, 0.8312f);
item12.put("f0", true);
item12.put("f1", 0.8312);
//add the items in the set
DeltrDoc[] predArr = new DeltrDoc[]{item7, item8, item9, item10, item11, item12};
DeltrTopDocs reranked = deltr.rank(preidictionSet);
// reranked ->
// id:11, judgement:0,072242, isProtected:true
// id:12, judgement:0,061806, isProtected:true
// id:7, judgement:0,059804, isProtected:false
// id:8, judgement:0,057696, isProtected:false
// id:9, judgement:0,053532, isProtected:false
// id:10, judgement:0,047887, isProtected:false
The library contains sufficient code documentation for each of the functions.
Checking the model a bit deeper
You can check how the training of the model progressed using a special property called log
for(TrainStep step : deltr.getLog()) {
//timestamp:1556475668410, lossStandard:5,999854, lossExposure:0,000000
//timestamp:1556475668492, lossStandard:5,999854, lossExposure:0,000000
//timestamp:1556475668548, lossStandard:5,999852, lossExposure:0,000000
// .
// .
// .
The log
returns a list of objects from the com.github.fairsearch.deltr.models.TrainStep
class. The class is a representation of the parameters in each step of the training. The parameters can be acquired with:
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/fair-search/fairsearchdeltr-java
- Change directory to the directory where you cloned the repository
cd WHERE_ITS_DOWNLOADED/fairsearchdeltr-java
- Use any IDE to work with the code
If you want to make your own builds you can do that with the Gradle wrapper:
- To make a JAR without the external dependencies:
./gradlew clean jar
- To make a JAR with all external dependencies included:
./gradlew clean farJar
The output will go under build/libs
Just run:
./gradlew clean check
Note: Due to the high volume of the datasets, the tests take a bit longer time to execute. It takes approx. 30 mins on a laptop with an Intel i7-5500U CPU and 8GB memory. Also, because there is a randomness factor involved in the tests, it can happen that (very rarely) they fail sometimes.
The DELTR algorithm is described in this paper:
- Meike Zehlike, Gina-Theresa Diehn, Carlos Castillo. "Reducing Disparate Exposure in Ranking: A Learning to Rank Approach." preprint arXiv:1805.08716 (2018).
This library was developed by Ivan Kitanovski based on the paper. See the license file for more information.
For any questions contact Meike Zehlike.
See also
You can also see the DELTR for ElasticSearch and DELTR Python library.