
BDD Enterprise Reporting Server. This server provides the ability to upload reports from tools like Cucumber, SpecFlow, Pickles and the information is then aggregated into a central view across all projects.





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BDD Enterprise Reporting Server. This server provides the ability to upload reports from tools like Cucumber, SpecFlow, Pickles and the information is then aggregated into a central view across all projects.
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Project Organization

Pivotal Software, Inc.
Source Code Management

Source Code Management

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<!-- -->
implementation 'com.github.grantlittle:bdd-reporting-service:0.1.9'
implementation ("com.github.grantlittle:bdd-reporting-service:0.1.9")
<dependency org="com.github.grantlittle" name="bdd-reporting-service" rev="0.1.9">
  <artifact name="bdd-reporting-service" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='com.github.grantlittle', module='bdd-reporting-service', version='0.1.9')
libraryDependencies += "com.github.grantlittle" % "bdd-reporting-service" % "0.1.9"
[com.github.grantlittle/bdd-reporting-service "0.1.9"]


compile (17)

Group / Artifact Type Version : compiler jar 0.9.4
org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch jar 1.4.3.RELEASE
io.springfox : springfox-swagger2 jar 2.4.0
io.springfox : springfox-swagger-ui jar 2.4.0
org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-web jar 1.4.3.RELEASE
org.jetbrains.kotlin : kotlin-stdlib jar 1.0.6 : jna jar 4.2.2
commons-logging : commons-logging jar RELEASE
org.webjars : angularjs jar 1.5.6
org.webjars.bower : angular-sanitize jar 1.5.6
org.webjars.bower : angular-animate jar 1.5.6
org.webjars.bower : angular-ui-router jar 0.3.0
org.webjars.bower : angular-ui-select jar 0.19.6
org.webjars.bower : angular-ui-grid jar 3.1.1
org.webjars : bootswatch-united jar 3.3.5+4
org.webjars.bower : angular-google-chart jar 0.1.0
org.webjars.bower : angular-bootstrap jar 1.3.3

test (5)

Group / Artifact Type Version
info.cukes : cucumber-junit jar RELEASE
info.cukes : cucumber-java jar RELEASE
info.cukes : cucumber-spring jar RELEASE
org.springframework.boot : spring-boot-starter-test jar 1.4.3.RELEASE
commons-io : commons-io jar

Project Modules

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Build Status

BDD-Reporting Service

The aim of this project is to create a centralised view of all projects in an organisation that use BDD tooling such as Cucumber or SpecFlow.

Although the the output from each of these tools provides the information needed, it doesn't provide a consolidated view of all projects which makes it easy for organisations to see the overall quality of the software they are creating.

This project is still very much in the early stages of development and features will be implemented based on end customer requirements. If there is some feature that you would like from the tool then please raise a request.


This project does not currently provide a standalone server that you can simply "run". Instead a simple standalone Spring Boot application can be created using something like the Spring Initializr. This allows companies to apply
whatever internal security and configuration they want without imposing those requirements on the BDD-Reporting service.

It is possible that in the future we may provide an executable "demo" server with no security etc included, but that is currently still on the planning board.

To install and initiate the framework, you will need to add the following dependency into your build via something like Maven or Gradle


With the required dependency in place. You should then be able to initiate the services by adding the following to the top of a Configuration class


for example

public class MyApplicationConfiguration {

Currently the implementation of BDD-Reporting runs an embedded Elasticsearch cluster.

The product is still in the early stages of development, as such it is likely there will be breaking changes between versions. However, if you are willing to use the BDD-Reporting service in your environment, then we suggest you secure your server (see the following section on Security), but also we recommend using a separate Elasticsearch cluster.

It is beyond the scope of this document to get a cluster up and running but if you want more information then it's probably best to visit the Elasticsearch website for more information. You can consider using their "As a Service" offering. However, be aware, Elasticsearch versions >= 5.0 is not yet supported.

To communicate with an existing Elasticsearch cluster, you can use the standard Spring properties. Namely, some of the following (from the Spring Boot configuration documentation):-

# ELASTICSEARCH (ElasticsearchProperties) # Elasticsearch cluster name. # Comma-separated list of cluster node addresses. If not specified, starts a client node.*= # Additional properties used to configure the client. # Enable Elasticsearch repositories.



Uploading Cucumber Reports

Currently the tool only supports cucumber reports in the json format. Therefore you will need to configure your CucumberOptions to output in this format. Please see the Cucumber documentation on how to do this, but as a quick demonstration on how to do this, you can use something like the following (used within Maven):

@CucumberOptions(plugin = arrayOf("json:target/cucumber-report/FeatureReport.json"))

To upload you files to the BDD Reporting tool. You can simply use curl:-

curl -X PUT --upload-file /path/to/reports/FeatureReport.json -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://bdd-reporting-server/api/features/1.0/cucumber

If you want to add specific properties to the upload which make it possible to create specific dashboards, then include the BDD-Reporting-Properties header.

Here is an example:

curl -X PUT --upload-file /path/to/reports/FeatureReport.json -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "BDD-Reporting-Properties: environment=dev,build=1.1.1" http://bdd-reporting-server/api/features/1.0/cucumber

Integration with Apache Maven

Currently there isn't a custom Maven Plugin that integrates with the BDD-Reporting service (although one has been suggested). However it is possible to use the maven-exec-plugin

        <!-- optional -->
            <argument>BDD-Reporting-Properties: environment=dev,build=${project.version}</argument>


SpecFlow test runs can be reported on in a number of different ways. The BDD-Reporting service supports some of these, namely:-

  1. NUnit XML output
  2. NUnit output run through the Pickles reporting tool to produce JSON

Reports generated using SpecFlow's own specflow.exe reporting tool is currently not supported.

Using NUnit Reports

SpecFlow reports created with NUnit can be uploaded to the BDD-Reporting service, however the standard output is less verbose than a standard Cucumber output. For example Scenario descriptions are missing from the output. So although they are supported it's generally better to use the Pickles tool to generate JSON output, which the BDD-Reporting service also supports.

Generally to create a NUnit3 test report from the your SpecFlow tests you need to run the nunit3-console command. More information on how to do this can be found. You will need to include the relevant assemblies in your project to be able to execute the tests

c:\Projects\MySolution\SpecflowProject>..\packages\NUnit.ConsoleRunner.3.5.0\tools\nunit3-console.exe SpecflowProject.csproj

This will generally create an output file called TestResult.xml. This can be uploaded to the BDD-Reporting service

For example:

curl -X PUT --upload-file /path/to/reports/TestResult.xml -H "Content-Type:text/plain" -H "BDD-Reporting-Properties: environment=dev,build=1.1.1" http://bdd-reporting-server/api/features/1.0/nunit

Uploading Pickles Reports

It's also possible to upload JSON reports creates from SpecFlow using the Pickles tools. For documentation on how to do this have a look at the Pickles documentation.

Here is an example:

curl -X PUT --upload-file /path/to/reports/Pickles.json -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "BDD-Reporting-Properties: environment=dev,build=1.1.1" http://bdd-reporting-server/api/features/1.0/pickles


Security is rightly a major concern for many companies and their needs vary widely depending on their particular industry and the products or services they produce. It is likely that your BDD Features and Scenarios are commercially sensitive and you don't want anybody being able to see your reports.

With such varying needs it would be extremely difficult to create a good BDD-Reporting service that meets everybody's needs. Therefore I have decided to provide the BDD-Reporting service as a library (service) rather than a server. This does mean it is typically not possible to simply "run" a server. You will need to do a little work to get the service up and running, however this should provide more flexibility to allow companies to implement security as they wish to meet their companies individual needs and requirements.

For some examples on how to setup security within a Spring Boot application, have a look at some of these tutorials:-

  1. Securing a Web Application
  2. Spring Boot
  3. Authenticating a User with LDAP



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Viewing Features

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Viewing a Single Feature

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