Project Group: com.github.iarellano

Maven Invoker maven plugin

com.github.iarellano : iad-maven-invoker-maven-plugin

This is a simple maven plugin wrapper for the Apache Maven Invoker at which allows to invoke a Maven execution on an independent maven project.

Last Version: 1.0.1

Release Date:

Properties loader from Json file

com.github.iarellano : iad-json-properties-maven-plugin

This mojo can import json files as properties using a pseudo-normalized json path as property names, it can also extract values using JsonPath and then assign the extracted values to project properties.

Last Version: 1.1

Release Date:

REST Client Maven Plugin

com.github.iarellano : iad-rest-client-maven-plugin

At times we need to consume external services as part of a build process, for example to verify which version of an API is deployed, verify that a service is online, get configurations from some remote storage provider, etc. This plugin is aimed to provide a way to make HTTP request either to get resources, upload files, submit forms, post json, post xml, etc.

Last Version: 1.0.2

Release Date:

maven-replacer-plugin Maven Mojo

com.github.iarellano : replacer

Maven plugin to replace tokens in a given file with a value

Last Version: 1.6.0

Release Date:


com.github.iarellano : org.everit.json.schema

This is a fork of the implementation of the JSON Schema Core Draft v4 specification built with the org.json API which also supports internationalization

Last Version: 1.10.0

Release Date:


com.github.iarellano : json

This project is a maven setup for the forked library JSON-java. Original source is hosted at Fork is hosted at The purpose of this project is to deploy the forked library to nexus repository.

Last Version: 20190129

Release Date:

Json to Yaml to Json Converter Maven Plugin

com.github.iarellano : iad-j2y2j-converter-maven-plugin

This plugin allows to convert files from json to yaml and vice versa. It makes use of the Apache Maven Filtering component therefore filtering can also be performed.

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

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