Spring JDBC bare
A standalone version of Spring JDBC module with no further dependencies on Spring Framework. Primary motivation was to bring JDBCTemplate
to Java EE environment with smaller footprint -- 430 K instead of 5M. The only dependency left is commons-logging (which you likely want to exclude as well and replace with jcl-over-slf4j
The project is based on branch 3.1.x of Spring Framework, with some base classes moved into the module, and some of the features removed.
- No Resource transaction support. Users are expected to use container-managed datasource and transactions.
- No BeanPropertyRowMapper, BeanPropertySqlParameterSource or any other classes that were too dependant on other modules.
- SQL Custom Exception Mapping support is quite basic. Instead of full bean container there is simple implementation based on reflection and JAXB.
Maven coordinates
Library is available on Maven Central:
The project is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.