Project Group: com.github.lucarosellini.rJava

JRI core

com.github.lucarosellini.rJava : JRI

JRI is a Java/R Interface, which allows to run R inside Java applications as a single thread. Basically it loads R dynamic library into Java and provides a Java API to R functionality. It supports both simple calls to R functions and a full running REPL.

Last Version: 0.9-7

Release Date:

REngine core

com.github.lucarosellini.rJava : REngine

Rserve is a TCP/IP server which allows other programs to use facilities of R (see from various languages without the need to initialize R or link against R library. Every connection has a separate workspace and working directory. Client-side implementations are available for popular languages such as C/C++, PHP and Java. Rserve supports remote connection, authentication and file transfer. Typical use is to integrate R backend for computation of statstical models, plots etc. in other applications.

Last Version: 0.9-7

Release Date:

JRI core

com.github.lucarosellini.rJava : JRIEngine

JRI is a Java/R Interface, which allows to run R inside Java applications as a single thread. Basically it loads R dynamic library into Java and provides a Java API to R functionality. It supports both simple calls to R functions and a full running REPL.

Last Version: 0.9-7

Release Date:

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