A new take on JdbcTemplate.
This project has the following goals:
- support Optional
- reduce the number of methods on JdbcOperations
- native support named parameters (Oracle, IBM DB2)
additional features:
- more control over return type by use of a collector
- statement customizer allows to set fetch size without having to create a prepared statement creator
- large update support
features not supported:
- java.util.Date <-> java.sql.Timestamp and java.util.Calendar <-> java.sql.Timestamp type conversions, use JSR-310 datatypes
- work around JDBC driver bugs
- consider JDBC metadata
- jdbc type support
- rownum in RowMapper
- stored procedures
- tests for failed updates
- unprepared statement for statements without bind parameters
naming: query().collectTo...
naming: update().for...
naming: batchUpdate().forGeneratedKeysAndFailedUpdates is bad, something with generated keys and callback
naming: JdbcTemplate.(batch)UpdateForGeneratedKeys()
should #binding support a collection as an argument, especially for batch updates
case insensitive map, map contract, keySet, equals contract
should binding happen at the end so that operations can be cached? PreparedStatementSetter would have to take arguments