Java client for credential storage service. This project can be used as a stand-alone shell client or as a client library.
The client requires both private and public keys in a DER format.
$ openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in id_rsa -nocrypt > private_key.der
$ openssl rsa -in id_rsa -out public_key.der -outform DER -pubout
The private key is never sent to the server, only the public key. The private key is only used to decrypt the incoming data.
Stand-alone client
To use the client as a shell stand-alone client, you will need to build the project and use the runnable jar file.
It takes the following arguments:
usage: --delete | --get | --update | --upload [-p <arg>] -priv <arg>
-pub <arg> [-s <arg>] -u <arg>
Credential service client
--delete Delete credentials
--get Retrieves credentials
-p,--primary <arg> Primary credential
-priv,--private <arg> Private key file
-pub,--public <arg> Public key file
-s,--secondary <arg> Secondary credential
-u,--url <arg> Credential service URL
--update Update existing credentials
--upload Upload new credentials
Please report issues at
Get credentials
$ java -jar target/credential-storage-client-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --get --priv src/test/resources/private_key.der --pub src/test/resources/public_key.der -u | jq .
"primary": "test user",
"secondary": "青"
Upload credentials
$ java -jar target/credential-storage-client-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --priv src/test/resources/private_key.der --pub src/test/resources/public_key.der -u --upload --primary "test user" --secondary "青"
Credential successfully uploaded!
If upload is used with an existing credential it will completely override the existing one and regenerate a new symmetrical key.
Update credentials
$ java -jar target/credential-storage-client-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --priv src/test/resources/private_key.der --pub src/test/resources/public_key.der -u --update --primary "user"
Credential successfully updated!
Update supports partial updates, so it preserves the existing information. The symmetrical key is regenerated nonetheless.
Delete credentials
$ java -jar target/credential-storage-client-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --priv src/test/resources/private_key.der --pub src/test/resources/public_key.der -u --delete
Credential successfully deleted!