Project Group: com.github.piasy


com.github.piasy : BigImageViewer

Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling Scale Image View, Fresco, Glide, and Picasso.

Last Version: 1.8.1

Release Date:


com.github.piasy : FrescoImageLoader

Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling Scale Image View, Fresco, Glide, and Picasso.

Last Version: 1.8.1

Release Date:


com.github.piasy : FrescoImageViewFactory

Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling Scale Image View, Fresco, Glide, and Picasso.

Last Version: 1.8.1

Release Date:


com.github.piasy : GlideImageLoader

Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling Scale Image View, Fresco, Glide, and Picasso.

Last Version: 1.8.1

Release Date:


com.github.piasy : GlideImageViewFactory

Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling Scale Image View, Fresco, Glide, and Picasso.

Last Version: 1.8.1

Release Date:


com.github.piasy : ProgressPieIndicator

Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling Scale Image View, Fresco, Glide, and Picasso.

Last Version: 1.8.1

Release Date:

Last Version: 1.0.3

Release Date:


com.github.piasy : AudioProcessor

Android Audio encapsulation library, with part Rx support.

Last Version: 1.7.0

Release Date:


com.github.piasy : rxandroidaudio

Android Audio encapsulation library, with part Rx support.

Last Version: 1.7.0

Release Date:

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