Project Group: com.github.selenium-consulting


com.github.selenium-consulting : selenium-java-toolkit-base

Selenium-Toolkit is a Java based test-toolkit for selenium-testing with testNg. The goal of the toolkit is, to suport you in different things like 'how to manage testdata in the source', parallelisation, Webdriver-managemet, reporting and a lot more.

Last Version: 3.0.11

Release Date:


com.github.selenium-consulting : selenium-java-toolkit-JUnit5

Selenium-Toolkit is a Java based test-toolkit for selenium-testing with testNg. The goal of the toolkit is, to suport you in different things like 'how to manage testdata in the source', parallelisation, Webdriver-managemet, reporting and a lot more.

Last Version: 3.0.12

Release Date:


com.github.selenium-consulting : selenium-java-toolkit-testNg

Selenium-Toolkit is a Java based test-toolkit for selenium-testing with testNg. The goal of the toolkit is, to suport you in different things like 'how to manage testdata in the source', parallelisation, Webdriver-managemet, reporting and a lot more.

Last Version: 3.0.10

Release Date:


com.github.selenium-consulting : selenium-java-toolkit

Selenium-Toolkit is a Java based test-toolkit for selenium-testing with testNg. The goal of the toolkit is, to suport you in different things like 'how to manage testdata in the source', parallelisation, Webdriver-managemet, reporting and a lot more.

Last Version: 2.0.1

Release Date:

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