SqlPlugin - a simple plugin to release SQL scripts to targetted environment.
buildscript {
ext.buildDeps = [
dependencies {
project.ext.buildDeps.each {
classpath it
apply plugin: 'sqlrelease'
sql {
username = project.ext['database.username']
password = project.ext['database.password']
url = project.ext['database.url']
driverClassName = project.ext['database.driverClassName']
dialect = 'mysql'
app = 'myapp'
testDataDir = 'src/main/database/testdata'
includeTestData = true
drop.dir = 'src/main/database/init'
drop.filePattern = '**/*.*'
release.dir = 'src/main/database/release'
release.fileExt = '.sql'
run.autocommit = true
run.delimiter = ';'
Available Tasks
reset -> drops then runs release scripts
drop -> drops the database objects using drop scripts
release -> runs the release scripts
showVersion -> shows the latest version of script that is released
initialize -> point where sql connection is established
Works With
Sybase, MySQL, H2, Oracle
Simply pass dialect value of "mysql", "sybase", "h2" or "oracle". The values are case-insensitive.