
Dynamic dependency injection for Akka





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Dynamic dependency injection for Akka
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<!-- -->
implementation 'com.github.wilaszekg:scala-dynamic-di_2.11:0.0.4'
implementation ("com.github.wilaszekg:scala-dynamic-di_2.11:0.0.4")
<dependency org="com.github.wilaszekg" name="scala-dynamic-di_2.11" rev="0.0.4">
  <artifact name="scala-dynamic-di_2.11" type="jar" />
@Grab(group='com.github.wilaszekg', module='scala-dynamic-di_2.11', version='0.0.4')
libraryDependencies += "com.github.wilaszekg" % "scala-dynamic-di_2.11" % "0.0.4"
[com.github.wilaszekg/scala-dynamic-di_2.11 "0.0.4"]


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org.scala-lang : scala-library jar 2.11.7
com.chuusai : shapeless_2.11 jar 2.3.1
com.typesafe.akka : akka-actor_2.11 jar 2.3.11
org.typelevel : cats_2.11 jar 0.7.2

test (2)

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org.scalatest : scalatest_2.11 jar 2.2.5
com.typesafe.akka : akka-testkit_2.11 jar 2.3.11

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This is a library for type-safe, boilerplate-free dynamic dependency injection for Akka actors. It offers a DI model for actors dependent on asynchronous dependencies, like:

  • Future calls
  • messages received from other actors

Current release

libraryDependencies += "com.github.wilaszekg" %% "scala-dynamic-di" % "0.0.2"


The Dependencies holds dependencies for an actor represented as Future computation. You can build dependencies for an actor using Future's, functions and calls to other actors. Dependencies class is aware of types of all dependencies it holds - let's say reflected as a tuple. Each dependency type must be unique. This allows the library to automatically compose dependencies by their type. Each dependency has a set of required types and a type it can produce. This way you can build Dependencies with fluent API and while adding a new dependency (look at requires function below) Scala compiler will check that:

  • all required types for the new dependency are available
  • the new produced dependency type will be unique

This means that if you break any of these rules, your code won't compile.

You tell the lubrary how to produce your actor by creating ProxyProps instance which requires a function of any arity returning Akka Props. The types of arguments of this function must be found in Dependencies you are using to conifgure your actor - otherwise the code won't compile.

val proxyProps = new ProxyProps((products: Products, promotions: Promotions) => Props(new PriceCalculator(products, promotions)))

val dependencies = Dependencies().withVal(user).withFuture(futureShop)
val actorRef: ActorRef = system.actorOf(proxyProps from dependencies)

Using the dynamic DI

First, you have to create ProxyProps for the actor you want to inject dependencies into. You need to pass a function taking ANYTHING and returning Akka Props. The ANYHTHING defines dependencies of your actor. In this case it means that the actor PriceCalculator requires two dependencies of types Products and Promotions:

import com.github.wilaszekg.scaladdi.akka.ProxyProps

new ProxyProps((products: Products, promotions: Promotions) => Props(new PriceCalculator(products, promotions)))

Constructing dependencies

To start building dependencies for the actor, create a Dependencies object:

import com.github.wilaszekg.scaladdi.Dependencies

val dependencies = Dependencies()

It just creates empty dependencies.

Using known defined values in dependencies

To construct dependencies further you can add a defined and already known value:

val user: User = ???

val dependencies = Dependencies().withVal(user)

or a a simple Future value:

val futureShop: Future[Shop] = ???

val dependencies = Dependencies().withVal(user).withFuture(futureShop)

The Dependencies constructed here holds dependencies with two types: User and Shop

Using dependencies requiring other values

You can use three types od dependencies:

  • FutureDependency - requires values of a some types and produces a Future of another type
  • ActorDependency - requires values of a some types and awaits for a response of another type from a given ActorRef
  • FunctionDependency - requires values of a some types and produces a value of another type

Future Dependency

You create FutureDependency passing a function requiring some values and returning a Future of a value. This dependency requires User and Shop to be built and produces a Basket:

import com.github.wilaszekg.scaladdi.FutureDependency

def findBasket(user: User, shop: Shop): Future[Basket] = ???
val basketDependency = FutureDependency(findBasket _)

Now, you can add this dependency to an existing Dependencies object if it already contains required types: User and Shop:

val dependencies = Dependencies().withVal(user).withFuture(futureShop)

Function Dependency

FunctionDependency is very similar to FutureDependency but it uses a function producing a synchronous result. It may be a blocking call and it will be wrapped to a Future:

import com.github.wilaszekg.scaladdi.FunctionDependency

def findPromotions(shop: Shop): Promotions = ???
val promotionsDependency = FunctionDependency(findPromotions _)
val dependencies = Dependencies().withVal(user).withFuture(futureShop)

Actor Dependency

ActorDependency requires an ActorRef a class of expected response message (the type of the dependency) from the actor and a function creating answer message - arguments of this function define typrs required for this dependency:

import com.github.wilaszekg.scaladdi.akka.ActorDependency

val productsDependency = ActorDependency(basketActorRef, (b: Basket) => AskForProducts(b), classOf[Products])

val dependencies = Dependencies().withVal(user).withFuture(futureShop)

About the dependencies

We have built dependencies from known values user, futureShop and dyncamic dependencies basketDependency, promotionsDependency and productsDependency. Each dynamic dependency has some requirements and a produced type:

val basketDependency: FutureDependency[(User, Shop), Basket] = ...
val promotionsDependency: FunctionDependency[Tuple1[Shop], Promotions] = ...
val productsDependency: ActorDependency[Tuple1[Basket], Products] = ...

The required types are reflected as tuples. The produced value is always the second type argument.

It is crucial that Dependencies keeps lazy computation model of the futures so it will not run any future until you call its run method. This method is used by the proxy actor to start fetching the dependencies.

Type safety of dependencies

Whenever you add a new dependency using requires method, the compile will check the following conditions:

  • all required types are present
  • the produced type of the new dependency is not present in dependencies yet - it allows the compiler to control the types of all dependencies

Starting the actor

If you have a ProxyProps and Dependencies instances, you have to use them to obtain a Props instance and start a proxy actor (using Akka context or system):

val props: Props = proxyProps from dependencies
val proxyActor: ActorRef = context.actorOf(props)

The proxy actor hides complexity of running future dependencies and allows you to implement simple actors code.

Configuring the proxy

When you create ProxyProps instance you only need to pass a propsFunction. But you can configure it with some additional properties:

  • dependenciesTriesMax - how many times the proxy will try to run the future dependencies if any of the future fails
  • reConfigureAfterTerminated - specifies what happens if the target actor is terminated. Is set to true, the proxy will run the future dependencies once again to recover the actor
  • supervisionStrategy - Akka supervision strategy for the target actor - specifies how the proxy will deal with its child proxied actor
  • dependencyError - a function transforming an error to a message to be sent from the proxy to its parrent if fetching the future dependencies fails

ProxyProps provides defaults for all these properties:

ProxyProps(propsFunction, dependenciesTriesMax: Option[Int] = None,
  reConfigureAfterTerminated: Boolean = true,
  supervisionStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = SupervisorStrategy.defaultStrategy,
  dependencyError: Throwable => Any = ProxyProps.defaultError)

