Logback appender for LogSense
The project includes a simple Logback appender that pushes data to LogSense using logback-more-appenders and Fluency underneath.
Using logback.xml
Step 1 - Add LogSense-Logback to your dependencies
In case you are using Maven, this typically means a dependency like:
Using log4j
instead of logback
If your project is already using log4j
, a migration dependency can be simply added:
Step 2 - Setup Logback appender
Create src/resources/logback.xml
in your project and put following data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- LogSense appender. Use the correct accessToken value, as provided by the LogSense app -->
<appender name="LOGSENSE" class="com.logsense.logback.Appender" >
<!--<sourceName>some name</sourceName>-->
<!-- This is just a standard STDOUT appender - keep it (and others) if you intend to use those -->
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern><![CDATA[%date{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{15}#%line %X{req.requestURI} %msg\n]]></pattern>
<level value="DEBUG" />
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
<appender-ref ref="LOGSENSE" />
There are several optional settings:
- when set to true, the local IP address is determined and sent as the log source IPsourceIp
- any address can be put here which will override any other method of determining the log source IPpatternKey
- set tomessage
by default; the provided key of structured log is used for LogSense automatic pattern recognitionsourceName
- not set by default; if provided, adds "source_name" field with the entered value
Alternative methods of providing the token
The token could be also provided using environment variable, e.g.:
$ LOGSENSE_TOKEN=aaa-111-bbb-222 java ....
or via property, e.g.
$ java -Dlogsense.token=aaa-111-bbb-222 ...