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How to add to project

<!-- -->
implementation ''
implementation ("")
<dependency org="" name="positioning-provider-api" rev="0.3.5">
  <artifact name="positioning-provider-api" type="aar" />
@Grab(group='', module='positioning-provider-api', version='0.3.5')
libraryDependencies += "" % "positioning-provider-api" % "0.3.5"
[ "0.3.5"]


compile (1)

Group / Artifact Type Version » appcompat-v7 jar 27.1.1

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Mapxus Map sample app for Android

This is a sample project to demonstrate how to use mapxus map android sdk.



We highly recommend using the latest stable version of Android Studio to open this project.

Before running this project, please create the file in the project root directory and fill in the application appid and secret in the following format:


Please contact us [email protected] to get appid and secret if you do not have them.

About Mapxus Map SDK

All the follwing sample is based on the latest Mapxus Map SDK version , please add sdk dependency to your own project's builid.gradle file:

dependencies {
    	implementation ' latest version'

For more information about Mapxus Indoor Map and Location Service, please check our website:

Map Creation

Create map with code

  • File name:SimpleMapViewActivity

  • Summary:Create map with code.

  • Detail:

    • Create a map using code and set the map's central geographic coordinates and zoom level in xml.

Create map with fragment

  • File name:SupportMapFragmentActivity

  • Summary:Create map with fragment.

  • Detail:

    • Create a map using fragment and set the map's central geographic coordinates and zoom level.

Create map (Specify the initial building, floor and building adaptive margin)

  • File name:MapxusMapInitWithBuildingActivity

  • Summary:To Maximize the specified building indoor map by the setting margin range and switch to the setting floor.

  • Detail:

    • Create a parameter class MapxusMapInitWithBuildingParamsActivity instance with the specified building ID, floor and building adaptive margins.

    • Initialize the map with the generated MapxusMapInitWithBuildingParamsActivity instance.

Create map (Specify the initial POI and zoom level)

  • File name:MapxusMapInitWithPoiActivity

  • Summary:To show the specified POI in the centre of the map and show the map by the setting zoom level when creating map.

  • Detail:

    • Create a parameter class MapxusMapInitWithPoiParamsActivity instance using the specified POI, map zoom level.

    • Initialize the map with the generated MapxusMapInitWithPoiParamsActivity instance.

Map Interaction

Interaction of indoor map controller

  • File name:IndoorMapControllerActivity

  • Summary:Location of indoor map controllers.

  • Detail:

    • Set whether the indoor map control is always hidden.

    • Set indoor map control positions: left, right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right.

Map style setting

  • File name:MapStyleSettingActivity

  • Summary:Modify map style, mark language and control outdoor map hiding.

  • Detail:

    • Set whether to hide the outdoor map.
    • Change map style.
    • Change mark language.

Gesture interaction for switching buildings

  • File name:GestureInteractionSwitchBuildingActivity

  • Summary:Setting gestures for switching buildings.

  • Detail:

    • Set whether or not to support tapping the screen to switch buildings.
    • Set whether or not the indoor building moves to the center of the screen to automatically switch between buildings.

Method interaction (Switching indoor scenes)

  • File name:FocusOnIndoorSceneActivity

  • Summary:Use code settings to focus on indoor scenes.

  • Detail:

    • Set the building and floor the map focuses on
    • Set focus effect: no zoom, zoom by animation, zoom without animation.
    • Setting Architectural Adaptive Margins.

Click event listener

  • File name:ClickEventListenerActivity

  • Summary:Listener for click or long on the map, and click POI event.

  • Detail:

    • Click on the POI to trigger the - onIndoorPoiClick(Poi poi) callback method.
    • Click on a map blank to trigger the -onMapClick(LatLng latLng, String floor, String buildingId, String floorId) callback method.
    • Press and hold the map to trigger the -onMapLongClick(LatLng latLng, String floor, String buildingId, String floorId) callback method.

Indoor scene switching event listener

  • File name:IndoorSceneSwitchingListenerActivity

  • Summary:Listener for indoor scene switching events.

  • Detail:

    • Triggers the -onFloorChange(IndoorBuilding indoorBuilding, String floor) callback method when switching to an indoor scene.

Get in or leave indoor scene event listener

  • File name:IndoorSceneInAndOutListenerActivity

  • Summary:Listener for get in indoor or leave indoor scene.

  • Detail:

    • Triggers the -onBuildingChange(IndoorBuilding indoorBuilding) callback method when entering or exiting the indoor scene.

Map Editing

Drawing markers by floor

  • File name:DrawMarkerActivity

  • Summary:Only display the markers on current floor.

  • Detail:

    • Create Mapxus Marker with special floors and add them to the map.

Drawing polygons by floor

  • File name:DrawPolygonActivity

  • Summary:Only display the polygon on current floor.

  • Detail:

    • Creating a Layer Instance.
    • Add layer to mapview.
    • Listen to floor switch, filter layer data.

Indoor Positioning

Indoor Positioning

  • File name:LocationProviderActivity

  • Summary:Show the positioning location and different following mode.

  • Detail:

    • Real-time display of current position latitude, longitude, floor and level accuracy.
    • Switching between different position-following modes.
  • Before using

    • Add positioning sdk dependency to your project's build.gradle file:
dependencies {
    	implementation 'com.mapxus.positioning:positioning:2.0.8'

Search Service

Search building globally

  • File name:SearchBuildingGlobalActivity

  • Summary:Search building globally.

  • Detail:

    • Creating an instance of the search parameter class GlobalSearchOption.
    • Create an instance of the search class BuildingSearch.
    • Get the search result by using the -onGetBuildingResult(BuildingResult buildingResult) callback method.

Search building in the specified area

  • File name:SearchBuildingInboundActivity

  • Summary:Search building in the specified rectangular area.

  • Detail:

    • Creating an instance of the search parameter class BoundSearchOption.
    • Create an instance of the search class BuildingSearch.
    • Get the search result by using the -onGetBuildingResult(BuildingResult buildingResult) callback method.

Search building nearby

  • File name:SearchBuildingInboundActivity

  • Summary:Search building in the specified circular area.

  • Detail:

    • Creating an instance of the search parameter class NearbySearchOption.
    • Create an instance of the search class BuildingSearch.
    • Get the search result by using the -onGetBuildingResult(BuildingResult buildingResult) callback method.

Search building by building ID

  • File name:SearchBuildingDetailActivity

  • Summary:Search building by building ID.

  • Detail:

    • Creating an instance of the search parameter class DetailSearchOption.
    • Create an instance of the search class BuildingSearch.
    • Get the search result by using the -onGetBuildingDetailResult(BuildingDetailResult buildingDetailResult) callback method.

Get the POI categories by building or floor

  • File name:SearchPoiCategoriesInBuildingActivity

  • Summary:Get all the POI categories of the specified building or floor.

  • Detail:

    • Creating an instance of the search parameter class PoiCategorySearchOption.
    • Create an instance of the search class PoiSearch.
    • Get the search result by using the -onPoiCategoriesResult(PoiCategoryResult poiCategoryResult) callback method.

Search POI in the specified scene

  • File name:SearchPoiInBuildingActivity

  • Summary:Search POI in the specified scene.

  • Detail:

    • Creating an instance of the search parameter class PoiInBuildingSearchOption.
    • Create an instance of the search class PoiSearch.
    • Get the search result by using the -onGetPoiResult(PoiResult poiResult) callback method.

Search POI in the specified area

  • File name:SearchPoiInboundActivity

  • Summary:Search POI in the specified retangular area.

  • Detail:

    • Creating an instance of the search parameter class PoiBoundSearchOption.
    • Create an instance of the search class PoiSearch.
    • Get the search result by using the -onGetPoiResult(PoiResult poiResult) callback method.

Search POI nearby

  • File name:SearchPoiNearbyActivity

  • Summary:Search POI in the specified circular area.

  • Detail:

    • Creating an instance of the search parameter class PoiNearbySearchOption.
    • Create an instance of the search class PoiSearch.
    • Get the search result by using the -onGetPoiResult(PoiResult poiResult) callback method.

Search POI by POI ID

  • File name:SearchPoiDetailActivity

  • Summary:Search POI by POI ID.

  • Detail:

    • Creating an instance of the search parameter class DetailSearchOption.
    • Create an instance of the search class PoiSearch.
    • Get the search result by using the -onGetPoiDetailResult(PoiDetailResult poiDetailResult) callback method.

Integration Cases

Surrounding environment recognition

  • File name:SearchPoiWithOrientationActivity

  • Summary:Make a virtual location and identify POI information around the location.

  • Detail:

    • Set virtual location points.
    • Creating an instance of the search parameter class PoiOrientationSearchOption.
    • Create an instance of the search class PoiSearch.
    • Get the search result by using the -onGetPoiByOrientationResult(PoiOrientationResult poiOrientationResult) callback method.

Route planning and navigation

  • File name:RoutePlanningActivity

  • Summary:Search the route between the starting point and end point, and show the road adsorption.

  • Detail:

    • Creating an instance of the search parameter class RoutePlanningRequest.
    • Create an instance of the search class RoutePlanning.
    • Get the search result by using the -onGetRoutePlanningResult(RoutePlanningResult routePlanningResult) callback method.
    • Create an instance of WalkRouteOverlay for route mapping.
    • Creating an instance of Navigation for route adsorption.
    • Create an instance of RouteShortener to follow a shortened route.

Visual map

  • File name:DisplayVisualActivity

  • Summary:Integration of Visual map.

  • Detail:

    • Create an instance of VisualPolylineOverlay to plot information points on a map.
    • Create an instance of MapxusVisual to show Visual map.
  • Before using

    • Add visual map sdk dependency to your project's build.gradle file:
dependencies {
    	implementation 'com.mapxus.visual:mapxusvisual:0.2.5'

Explore building

  • File name:ExploreBuildingActivity

  • Summary:Common case of POI search in the building.

  • Detail:

    • Select an interior building.    
    • Creating an instance of the search parameter class PoiCategorySearchOption.
    • Create an instance of the search class PoiSearch.
    • Get the search result by using the -onPoiCategoriesResult(PoiCategoryResult poiCategoryResult) callback method.
    • Creating an instance of PoiInBuildingSearchOption by specifying a category.
    • Get the search result by using the -onGetPoiResult(PoiResult poiResult) callback method.
    • Click on POI for details.


