Project Group: com.massfords

JAXB Visitor Plugin

com.massfords : jaxb-visitor

XJC plugin that adds the Visitor pattern to JAXB generated classes. Generates a simple Visitor interface as well as separate Traverser and sample implementations to perform depth first traversals of JAXB graphs.

Last Version: 2.8

Release Date:

Javac Effectively Final Compiler Plugin

com.massfords : effectively-final

Javac plugin that requires method parameters to either be explicitly final or effectively final. This enforces the best practice of treating the parameters as final without the burden of having to type final everywhere.

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

i18njson Maven Plugin

com.massfords : i18njson-maven-plugin

Maven plugin which validates i18n language files to ensure that all property values are strings, and there are no duplicate keys at compile time.

Last Version: 1.0

Release Date:

JAXB Attribute Initialization Plugin

com.massfords : jaxb-attr-init

XJC plugin that adds initializes attribute values on JAXB classes that are defined with a default value for the attribute. Surprisingly, this isn't the default behavior of the XJC plugin.

Last Version: 0.1

Release Date:

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