A new repository has been generated with the source code corresponding to the new ros2-remote-control module for Android.
This module is composed by 3 directories:
- services: Instantiate the services nodes for ROS2.
- subscribers: Instantiate the subscribers nodes for ROS2.
- topics: Instantiate the publishers nodes for ROS2.
The ROS2RemoteControlModule
implements a remote control for ROS2. This module allows the connection of the Robobo robot to a ROS2 network, publishing its functionality through ROS2 services and topics.
To use the differents ROS2 nodes is not necessary to launch a ROS master. But is necessary to have a ROS Executor.
This module has the hability to provide its own ROS Executor running on the robot. To launch the differents nodes is necessary add the node to the ROS Executor. This functionality is provided by the StatusNode
and the CommandNode.
To test and use the nodes there are multiple options:
- Install
- Use the
It could be a good approach run the bridge with the next option: ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge --bridge-all-topics
Additionally, follow the next repository instructions are necessary to create the compatibility between robobo_msgs from ROS and ROS2:
- Follow the next repository instructions that enables developers to write
ROS2 applications for the JVM and Android.
In all the cases is necessary to create and generate a package with the required robobo_msgs
for the communication:
To compile it (in the case 1 & 2):
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select robobo_msgs
And in the case 3:
ament build --symlink-install --isolated --only-packages robobo_msgs
Some examples to test from ROS2... you have to run the next commands from terminal:
To test if the nodes are launched correctly:
ros2 node list
To view the topic list:
ros2 topic list
To test the subscribers nodes:
- MovePanTiltSub
ros2 topic pub -1 /move_pan_tilt robobo_msgs/MovePanTiltTopic “{panpos: {data: ‘’}, panspeed: {data: ‘’} panunlockid: {data: ‘’} tiltpos: {data: ‘’} tiltspeed: {data: ‘’} tiltunlockid: {data: ‘’} }”
- MoveWheelsSub
ros2 topic pub -1 /move_wheels robobo_msgs/MoveWheelsTopic “{lspeed: {data: ‘’}, rspeed: {data: ‘’}, time: {data: ‘’}, unlockid: {data: ‘’}}”
- PlaySoundSub
ros2 topic pub -1 /play_sound robobo_msgs/PlaySoundTopic “{sound: {data: ‘’}}”
- ResetWheelsSub
ros2 topic pub -1 /reset_wheels robobo_msgs/ResetWheelsTopic
- SetCameraSub
ros2 topic pub -1 /set_camera robobo_msgs/SetCameraTopic “{camera: {data: ‘’}}”
- SetEmotionSub
ros2 topic pub -1 /set_emotion robobo_msgs/SetEmotionTopic “{emotion: {data: ‘’}}”
- SetFrequencySub
ros2 topic pub -1 /set_frequency robobo_msgs/SetSensorFrequencyTopic “{frequency: {data: ‘’}}”
- SetLedSub
ros2 topic pub -1 /set_led robobo_msgs/SetLedTopic “{id: {data: ‘1’}, color: {data: ‘blue’} }”
- TalkSub
ros2 topic pub -1 /talk robobo_msgs/TalkTopic “{text: {data: ‘hello’}}”
- MovePanTiltSub
To test the services nodes:
- MovePanTiltService
ros2 service call /move_pan_tilt robobo_msgs/MovePanTilt “{panpos: {data: ‘’}, panspeed: {data: ‘’} panunlockid: {data: ‘’} tiltpos: {data: ‘’} tiltspeed: {data: ‘’} tiltunlockid: {data: ‘’} }”
- MoveWheelsService
ros2 service call /move_wheels robobo_msgs/MoveWheels “{lspeed: {data: ‘’}, rspeed: {data: ‘’}, time: {data: ‘’}, unlockid: {data: ‘’}}”
- PlaySoundService
ros2 service call /play_sound robobo_msgs/PlaySound “{sound: {data: ‘’}}”
- ResetWheelsService
ros2 service call /reset_wheels robobo_msgs/ResetWheels
- SetCameraService
ros2 service call /set_camera robobo_msgs/SetCamera “{camera: {data: ‘’}}”
- SetEmotionService
ros2 service call /set_emotion robobo_msgs/SetEmotion “{emotion: {data: ‘’}}”
- SetFrequencyService
ros2 service call /set_frequency robobo_msgs/SetSensorFrequency “{frequency: {data: ‘’}}”
- SetLedService
ros2 service call /set_led robobo_msgs/SetLed “{id: {data: ‘’}, color: {data: ‘’} }”
- TalkService
ros2 service call /talk robobo_msgs/Talk “{text: {data: ‘hello’}}”
- MovePanTiltService
To test the publishers nodes:
- AccelerationStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /accel
- FlingStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /fling
- BaseBatteryStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /battery/base
- PhoneBatteryStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /battery/phone
- PanStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /pan
- TiltStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /tilt
- AmbientLightStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /ambientlight
- IRsStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /irs
- LedStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /leds
- OrientationStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /orientation
- StringStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /emotion
- TapStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /tap
- UnlockWheelsStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /unlock/move
- UnlockTalkStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /unlock/talk
- WheelsStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /wheels
- TagStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /tag
- DetectedObjectStatusTopic
ros2 topic echo /detected_object
- AccelerationStatusTopic
Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components.
More information:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.