Project Group: com.raelity.logman

LogMan Core

com.raelity.logman : logman-core

Easy to install library for adding dynamic display, control and configuration of java.util.logging to any swing based application. Useful for debugging apps in production situations; interactively configure logging while an application is running including adding a handler to save logging output to a file. Changes made to the logging configuration can be saved and automatically applied at startup.

Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:

Simple Validation Fix

com.raelity.logman : simple-val-fix

Missing resources from Simple Validation

Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:

LogMan Demo

com.raelity.logman : logman-demo

logman parent project: Easy to install library for adding dynamic display, control and configuration of java.util.logging to any swing based application. Useful for debugging apps in production situations; interactively configure logging while an application is running including adding a handler to save logging output to a file. Changes made to the logging configuration can be saved and automatically applied at startup.

Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:

LogMan Library

com.raelity.logman : logman-lib

Easy to install library for adding dynamic display, control and configuration of java.util.logging to any swing based application. Useful for debugging apps in production situations; can interactively configure logging while an application is running including adding a handler to save logging output to a file. Changes made to an application's default/startup logging can be saved and automatically applied at startup. LogMan "single" library package for use in swing apps. The jar can be executed, "java -jar xxx", for a demo of the library. See com.raelity.logman.demo.Main for an example of adding the library to a swing app.

Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:

LogMan Netbeans

com.raelity.logman : logman-netbeans

Provides dynamic display, control and configuration of java.util.logging in *this* NB platform. Use "Tools > Manage Logging".

Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:

LogMan Parent

com.raelity.logman : logman-parent

logman parent project: Easy to install library for adding dynamic display, control and configuration of java.util.logging to any swing based application. Useful for debugging apps in production situations; interactively configure logging while an application is running including adding a handler to save logging output to a file. Changes made to the logging configuration can be saved and automatically applied at startup.

Last Version: 2.2

Release Date:

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