mybatis generator分页插件 (mybatis generator pagination plugin)
使用方法(how to use)
按照原来使用mybatis generator的方法,只是多加了依赖
as same as the way you use mybatis generator, besides, add one more dependency in your pom.
everything need to write mappers and DTOs by yourself is bullshit!
all complex configurations are bullshit.
aim to provide the simplest way to carry out physical pagination!!!
1.在依赖中加入(in your dependency):
2.在插件中加入(in your plugin dependency):
<!-- only add this dependency -->
3.在generatorConfig.xml配置文件中加入分页插件(in your generatorConfig.xml):
<plugin type="com.rosegun.plugin.MysqlLimitPlugin"/>
mvn mybatis-generator:generate
唯一一个参数(one more parameter)
为了方便配合spring使用,插件生成的mapper会默认加入 @Repository
注解,这样可以避免在IDE中看到警告, 如果你不是处女座或者不需要这个注解,那么在generatorConfig.xml
to integrate with Springframework and avoid warnings in IDE, this plugin will add @Repository
to mappers as default, if you're not Virgo or you don't need this annotation, add a property in your generatorConfig.xml
<plugin type="com.rosegun.plugin.MysqlLimitPlugin">
<property name="addRepositoryAnnotation" value="false"/>